Italian Cheese Reviews: Cappello del Mago

15th July, 2010 - Posted by health news - No Comments

Did you know that regular cheddar cheese is more dangerous to our health than beef and butter? Yes, I am talking about the cheese that we put on our sandwiches and salads. It is the exact same cheese that clogs our arteries and facilitates heart attacks. And no, this is not a joke.

According to the Center for Science in the Public Interest (CSPI), cheese is giving Americans heart attack each day. According to their research, Americans are getting too much fat from cheese.

Good thing there is one type of cheese that is healthier than our every day cheese, and that is goat cheese. Goat cheese is known for its tangy flavor, but what most people do not know is that it is much healthier than the regular cheddar cheese.

Enjoy the Cappello del Mago cheese now.

One kind of goat cheese is the Capello del Mago cheese. It is made by the Giancula family in a small town in Italy. Every piece of this cheese is considered a masterpiece on its own. A bit crumby and creamy, this cheese is so full of flavor. Plus, it tastes perfectly in the mouth with the right balance of flavor and acidity.

The Cappello del Mago cheese is sold in a wheel, per pound, and is shaped like a drum. It has a natural mold rind filled with healthy yellow mold. The Cappello del Mago cheese is wrapped in straw and brown paper and is neatly sealed by sealing wax. The Cappello del Mago cheese is so fine a cheese, it has gained recognition in Valsesina and in the Piedmont region in 2008.

The Cappello del Mago cheese is a great alternative to regular cheese because it has low calorie and fat content. Cheese made from cow’s milk has a bout 100g of calories and 10g of fat per ounce, while the Cappello del Mago cheese has only 80g of calories and 6g of fat per ounce. This means that goat cheese such as the Cappello del Mago cheese is the healthier choice.

Aside from having less fat and calorie content, the Cappello del Mago cheese is also a good alternative for people who are lactose intolerant. This is because fat molecules in goat cheese are shorter, and are thus more digestible and light to the stomach. But although the Cappello del Mago cheese is low in fat and calories, it is a very rich source of bone preserving calcium.

Cappello del Mago cheese has lower fat, lower calories, and high calcium – now isn’t that a perfect combination?

Read more about the Cappello del Mago.

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Posted on: July 15, 2010

Filed under: Healthy Recipes

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