Emergency Food Storage.

7th July, 2010 - Posted by health news - No Comments

While some people store emergency food in their houses, others keep asking why this should be done. The world we live in could be interrupted anytime. All of us know about the terrorist threat. But there are other threats as well. All of us are used to the grocery stores that are full of food, electric power and gas for our cars. And now just try to imagine what our life would be like if all of it disappear some day. Imagine your life without air conditioning, power, gas and even money. You will feel very uncomfortable, won’t you?

However, it is quite possible to live without these things for at least a short while. But what about food, water and shelter? This is something you are unable to survive without. A person is simply helpless without these things. To make sure you will not become helpless some day, you definitely should store water and food.

Water is extremely important when it comes to emergency storage. One gallon of water should be stored per day per one person. But this amount of water does not include personal hygiene. So, it is much better to store two gallons of water per each person per day. It is highly important to store your water in food grade containers. There are FDA approved barrels on the market of different sizes starting from 5 to 55 gallons. You could also use used barrels and they do work great as well. Just make sure they are completely clean before you pour water into them.

Storing food is also very important. There are two major options for people who want to start home food storage program. The first one is to store your own food. And the second one is to buy food that is already packed and prepared to storing. Storing the food yourself could be a bit harder. This way you need to prepare and can the food on your own. And in this case your food will have a shorter shelf life.

Freeze dried foods are ready to be stored and require no coking. These foods could last more than 25 years without losing their nutrition value. The army also uses these types of foods which could be an important argument.

If you live on this planet long enough, you should know that natural disasters do happen. You should have heard of hurricanes, floods, tornados, power outage and economic depressions. People who have been in emergency situations do not ask whether they should get prepared to possible disasters. It should be worth learning from their experience. And hopefully this article will help you get prepared to possible emergencies. At the same time we really hope none of them will ever happen to your family.

Are you aware that food storage can save you from lots of problems during different emergency issues. Learn more about food storage on this food storage web site.

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Posted on: July 7, 2010

Filed under: Healthy Recipes

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