Various Tricks And Suggestions To Follow To Prevent Losing Your Voice When You Need It For Your Profession

18th June, 2010 - Posted by health news - No Comments

For a lot of folks, having a good strong voice is essential to making a living. This is true for singers, actors, entertainers in radio and TV, and professional public or motivational speakers. If they lose their voice from using it too much, they can not work which is an enormous issue. This article will explore why people lose their voices and become husky sounding and the various things you can do to fix that problem such as drinking organic herbal tea or organic oolong teaas well as things you can do to avoid it from happening in the first instance.

There are several things you can do each day to keep your vocal cords healthy and to avoid losing your voice if you have to have it be clear for your career. One big thing is to avoid smoking as well as being around too much second hand smoke. This is becoming easier for singers that perform in bars and restaurants as most states now have no smoking rules for their places of business. Another thing is to not abuse any other kind of substance such as alcohol or prescription drugs recreationally. This is not only good to avoid for your vocal health but for your overall health. If you keep your entire body healthy, then your voice will be healthy too.

One thing that you regularly hear about, particularly with singers is ways to keep their throat moist and lubricated. A lubricated throat is one that will sound smooth and clear when it is being used, especially when having to belt out a song. There are several different methods that singers use for moistening their throats and vocal cords. One is drinking a special tea which is widely known as singers tea that you can make yourself. The ingredients in this concoction are lemon, honey, cayenne, apple juice and ginger root. Other singers rely on other kinds of tea with a large amount of honey or others think that drinking pineapple juice is the best thing to do. Whatever you do, most of them are organic and are healthy for you whether or not they lubricate your throat but hopefully they do help.

A few motivational speakers that spend a long time speaking and projecting their voices to a big audience usually lose their voices, also. Another remedy or option to sipping on a kind of tea or lubricating drink is to use some kind of a throat spray. There are several versions out there but there is one popular organic spray that is made especially for this named vocal-eze that a lot of professionals who rely on their voices think is the best option.

The last option are things to do to avoid vocal distress from occuring in the first place. If you continually strain your voice, you could end up with nodules on your vocal cords which if left untreated could require surgery to get rid of. Having speech therapy as well as doing a variety of vocal exercises to strengthen your vocal cords could stop this problem from happening. Prevention and healthy living and remedies are the key to a strong voice.

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