Rituals From Over The Globe About Coffee

30th May, 2010 - Posted by health news - No Comments

What would you term a morning that doesn’t involve coffee? Surely that’s not a good morning! Coffee has been an important element of our day’s start. Not only that, coffee is a drink that stays to be popular at all times and among all people of different ages. Nowadays, different coffee houses and also Online tea stores are increasing the coffee and tea culture. Blooming tea, coffee and other beverages have become an element of our living and nobody is new to them. Coffee houses serve coffee as well as good quality teas. Different coffee houses and cafés around the block are meeting points and a place to share the latest gossip with your friends.

Coffee culture is originally a media term that is more famously used for a social area that is surrounded by an ambiance of coffee and tea all around it. Because of the popularity of coffee all over the world, there are numerous methods and several rituals about coffee everywhere.

In Asia, people usually, prefer to have a lighter and sweeter coffee in contrast with other Western countries. Coffee houses are normally points of meeting and social meetings. The most liked is Cappuccino. In Northern Europe, coffee is served at coffee gatherings with homemade cakes, pastries and cookies. Coffee in Turkey becomes slightly dissimilar. The beans are fine and the water is boiled almost three times and then kept in a long handle brass kettle. Sometimes cardamom or sugar is also added. The French normally drink coffee at the start of the day, and to Germans, coffee is a drink for social meetings.

There are religious restrictions connected with coffee and tea too. Different religions have different things to say about coffee. In Islam, tea and coffee is prohibited only at the time of fasting. The fast continues from dawn to dusk and all the edibles, including water, are forbidden to eat during that time.

Coffee is prohibited to Mormons. Also termed as the Latter-Day Saints, disciples of this religion forbid coffee because they think coffee blocks their spiritual connections. In the Words of Wisdom, it is said, “Hot drinks are not for the body or belly” (D&C 89:9). It is explained that Joseph Smith actually meant tea and coffee because they were the only hot beverages drunk during that time.

According to the Seventh Day Adventist, the picture about coffee is slightly unclear. Earlier, they prohibited coffee as they greatly emphasize on healthy eating habits. Thus, to them coffee was prohibited as it contains caffeine. However, this perception is somewhat obsolete now and no longer implemented. Still, coffee is preferred to be refrain from.

In Judaism, there are actually no arguments with coffee. Issues are there with kosher. Kosher arguments arise with both tea and coffee. Flavored coffee might use numerous flavorings, flavored beans and syrups that do not solve all the kosher issues. Similarly, issues arise with decaffeinated coffee as it contains ethyl acetate.

Rastafarians are quite similar to the Seventh Day Adventist and usually emphasize on healthy dietary habits. This group forbids the use of tobacco, alcohol, salt, coffee, meat and other processed edibles; their diet largely depends on grains, fruits and vegetables.

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