Apple Cider Vinegar In Treating Leaky Gut:

29th May, 2010 - Posted by health news - No Comments

Leaky gut syndrome is a condition where damage is caused in the intestinal lining. This condition will lead to increased permeability of the intestinal wall, which makes it too weak to protect and filter the needed nutrients and other biological substances. This decreases the stomach acid which is needed to break the toxins and other substances in the body.

Increases permeability allows foreign bodies like microbes, undigested food, waste and toxins to enter the blood stream which triggers symptoms like abdominal bloating, cramping, fatigue, food sensitivities, joint pain, skin rashes and autoimmunity. The other symptoms of a leaky gut syndrome includes Candidiasis or excess yeast, skin rashes, impaired immune function, sudden allergies to food or other environmental factors, excess gas, heartburn, indigestion, moodiness and irritability, poor concentration, diarrhea or constipation, fatigue and headaches.

Other than Aloe Vera, Apple cider Vinegar is also used to cure leaky gut syndrome. The apple cider vinegar contains stomach enhancing enzymes which helps in healing the intestinal walls and boosts low stomach acid levels. The apple cider vinegar resembles the PH level of stomach acid and this helps the food particles to be broken down and facilitated minerals and nutrients to be absorbed by the body.

However one must ensure only the purest form of unpasteurized apple cider vinegar be used. Pure apple cider vinegar contains a substance which is called mother. It is the rich source of vitamins. The recommended dosage of the vinegar is 2 table spoon of vinegar in one cup water and 1 table spoon honey for taste thrice every day. One must remember to dilute the apple cider vinegar before consuming as it can result as chemical burns to the throat and digestive tract.

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