Switching From Harmful Drinks To Tea Is The Best Thing

17th May, 2010 - Posted by health news - No Comments

There are many health benefits attached to drinking tea, especially organic black tea. Teas come in many varieties such as green tea, white tea, different infused teas and even loose leaf tea. With any tea however, there are many benefits to drinking it as opposed to coffee, soda, or any other high fructose drinks. With many people trying to watch their figures these days, drinking tea can be useful. Also, drinks that have a high sugar content such as pop can make you parched because you may think you are getting enough fluids, but you are actually not getting the water you need. Tea can actually keep you hydrated because of its low caffeine content and the amount of water it contains.

Trying to stay awake when you go to the office or when you head off to class is not always the easiest thing and coffee can tend to have a lot of caffeine. By having tea in the morning instead, you can stay awake, but it is a lot healthier for you! Instead of getting those caffeine migraines or being too hyper, you will be calm and will have just enough energy to jumpstart your day. Tea has been tested to boost your metabolism. If you drank a cup every morning with a small breakfast, it would keep you going longer and getting through class or work on an empty stomach would not be an issue.

We have all read articles giving us tips on how to eat better and get nutrients we need, but that is not always simple to do when you have a chaotic schedule. What if you can get some of those healthy nutrients by drinking something that you enjoy? The answer is that it is possible. Tea contains antioxidants, which can slow down the look of aging and prevent certain diseases. Tea can also prevent heart disease and protect your bones.

You have probably heard that tea is not good for your teeth and therefore, you should not drink a lot of it, but the truth is, teeth are only damaged by the amount of sugar people add to it. The tea itself is actually very beneficial to your teeth. Another wonderful thing about it is that it has few calories. If you are watching your weight, simply drink tea in the morning before you go to work or school. There is nothing bad about it because instead of causing harm to your body, tea actually helps it.

The truth is, we all have busy schedules and every day we have things that need to get done. Sometimes, it is hard for us to stay awake because we are so exhausted from the day before. It is easy to run through the nearest fast food restaurant and buy a coffee to keep you awake, but if you think about it, making yourself a tea before you run out the door in the morning can be so much better for you and it can provide so many benefits that it is worth considering switching from coffee to tea.

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