Home Made Beer Has It’s Own Special Taste

16th April, 2010 - Posted by health news - No Comments

If you’re like me you like brewing beer from home. Here is one of my favorite beer brewing recipes.

There is no flavor at all like the taste of home made beer. It has a flavor all of its own. You can choose to make the variety of beer of your choice. You can choose to make it as bold as you like. You can include fresh ingredients or packaged ingredients. With home made beer you have control of all these things and more. You can make the process as complicated or as simple as you want. Brewing beer at home can be a great deal of fun and makes for a lot of fun. There is nothing like good home brewed beer as most of your friends would agree.

Alcatraz Wheat Beer

Category Wheat Beer

Recipe Type Extract

3 lbs dried wheat extract
2 lbs Wheat malt
1 lbs Barley malt
1 lbs dried malt extract

2.5oz Mt. Hood hops

Yeast Wyeast Wheat beer yeast

Procedure Make a yeast starter two days beforehand. Mash the three pounds of malt a la Miller. Boil for one hour, adding 1-1/2 ounces hops at the start, 1/2 ounce at 30 minutes, and 1/2 ounce at 5 minutes. Cool and pitch yeast. Ferment. Bottle.

Click this link if you would like to know more about home brewing beer recipes and other beer brewing how to information.

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Posted on: April 16, 2010

Filed under: Healthy Recipes

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