Eat Like A European

12th April, 2010 - Posted by health news - No Comments

You will find someone who is overweight just about everywhere. It doesn’t matter where you live, there is someone who is affected by obesity. This is true in the United States as well. The problem of obesity is multiplied here because of the way that many of us lead our lives. People often blame all of the things that they have to do leave them without any spare time to take care of the weight problem. Even though we know that the food at some places is full of fat and calories, we choose it because it is the simplest solution. Just like what we eat, when we figure out that we have a weight problem, we attempt to solve it by purchasing some program that promises to show us how to lose weight fast, without ever doing any work to lose it.

It might be time to change our habits and learn to eat like a European. If we followed some of the things that they do in Europe, we might eliminate the need to do our six pack ab exercises, that we have committed ourselves to doing every night in the interest of a healthy body. Europeans are apt to eat foods that have creamy sauces, dipping bread in them and washing it down with a glass of wine. In America we seem to be obsessed with low fat meals and drinks that are sugar free. But this is all that you will see them eat most of the time. Instead of gorging on super sized plates, they eat a reasonable amount of food. A meal might consist of a cheese plate along with a glass of sparkling water. These are also a fraction of the price of a soft drink.
Dining in Europe is not done quickly. Unlike in America, they do not super size their meals but instead give a adequate amount. Europeans realize that food is first enjoyed with the eyes and take great care in the way that their food looks. Eating is a vital part of their daily schedule and they don’t skimp on how long it takes to properly enjoy it. A noontime siesta that involves eating and relaxing is a normal occurrence in Europe. Many people enjoy wine during their meal but they sip it slowly and make it last. They display the epitome of moderation.
Walking is the primary mode of transportation. There are not fast food places that offer quick food all around town. And with the exception of gelato, I really didn’t see much snacking between meals. Americans are very bad when it comes to slowing down to eat and enjoying their food.
When a person starts to investigate ways to diet they can look at websites such as biggest loser forum, and they will see all types of advise that seems to mimic what the Europeans already seem to know, that eating is a pleasurable and social atmosphere and should be done in moderation and enjoyed. We have to learn that to lose weight, we have to enjoy our meals by not rushing through them. Food is not the enemy but it should not be your best friend either. Dining everyday is not just a necessity, it is a time that should be enjoyed.
A healthy diet has many benefits. It is not the kind where you see an immediate return. You may not feel better tomorrow because you ate free-range eggs for breakfast instead of a toaster pastry. Choosing to eat an apple a day might not keep the doctor away but it can certainly help. Eating healthy is one way to keep your body working as it is supposed to and allows you to avoid breakdowns in the future.

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