A Food And Diet Revolution

8th April, 2010 - Posted by health news - No Comments

People are getting bigger and bigger in our nation, but that does not just mean taller. It is not about the booming population. Our nation is starting to fill up with people who have too much mass on their body. America is starting to realize that being fat is not a good thing. As a country we are spending more of our resources dealing with the ramifications of this issue than we have ever spent before. The problems that are caused by obesity are felt by almost every group in our country. And the problems won’t go away unless something is done.

In 1776 our country’s forefathers started a revolution to break away from England. Maybe it is time to start a food and diet revolution to cure obesity in this country. This is not going to be solved by putting on a television show that has everyone following along with the host as they go through a workout of six pack ab exercises on a Saturday morning. This type of revolution will require a lot of work. America must realize that we need to alter our thoughts about the way that we eat. The food that is served at an event is bragged about for days on end. Our holidays center more around food than around getting together with family. The focal point of a party needs to be based around things other than the type of food that is served. Parties can be about spending time with friends. When you are talking with friends, you do not have to be snacking at the buffet table.

When we consider the need to alter the way we eat, we must also alter the way the young of our country are eating. There is no shortage of things to entice our children to develop bad eating habits because they appear to be a lot of fun to do when they are shown on commercials. In the schools kids are given meals and many schools now even provide breakfast. However, the food choices that are offered in these programs are full of things that are not helping the health of our youth. It is not uncommon for them to serve French fries as one of the vegetables for children. In order for children to understand what they need to eat to maintain their health, they cannot be sent these confusing messages by the people who are supposed to be the experts. Unless our kids start changing their eating habits, they will grow up and find themselves overweight only to be searching for a way to learn how to lose weight fast using some fad diet that might even cause more issues than the weight did in the first place. The best way to prevent this problem is to find a way to show kids the proper way to eat and exercise.

One thing that has improved in this country is the ability to communicate. This could be our most effective tool to begin the change. The more people know about the benefits of a healthy lifestyle, the more likely they are to try to live that way. The internet is full of a wealth of information and has sites such as the biggest loser forum that are dedicated to helping people live a healthier lifestyle by sponsoring chat rooms to discuss all of the issues surrounding weight loss and eating right and exercising. The more people that are recruited, the more we can alter the weight of the country. It is possible to get people excited about the prospect of a healthier life.

It is not too late to stem the rising tide of obesity. We cannot stand by anymore. Adults must realize that they are setting an example that can harm the children of the country. We must teach the importance of a good diet. The availability of fried foods and snack foods must be replaced with foods that have the nutritional value that is needed. If we can accomplish this than obesity might not be the big issue that it is now. It is okay to sometime have food as the centerpiece of a gathering. The idea that must be kept in mind about what we eat is moderation. This is how we need to alter the way that we think. there is no more time to waste.

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