A Brief History Of Mexican Foods

25th March, 2010 - Posted by health news - No Comments

Mexican foods are usually prepared similar to the method that you cook your own daily food. They could be fried, boiled, and grilled. Mexico has cooked their meals differently inside the past.

Sometime ago, the people of Mexico did not possess ovens comparable to we’ve got these days. They would have to prepare meals by means of an open fire pit.

They would offer the meals in iron pans and pots. It cooked like how we grill our meals about the bbq. Prior to the Spaniards introduced these iron pots, the Aztecs used to steam as well as boil meals in two-handled clay pots which were referred to as xoctli. The pot was filled up with their food and heated over the fire. Frying meals would be a well-liked method to cook. Many Mexican foods still utilize this method.

These days inside the present, it is often a lot easier to cook Mexican dishes. It takes less time to prepare the meals. If someone wants to make homemade tortillas, you can find iron pans that make it effortless. Flan could be made basic utilizing spring form sort pans. Lengthy ago, it was a lengthy procedure to make masa, which is often a dish that includes a particular sort of corn that has to become ground. Nowadays you can purchase a metal grinder that helps grind the masa.

The oven is perfect for making numerous Mexican foods. It makes cooking vegetables and meats a snap. They could be placed in a pot of water with added spices and simmered for hours. Bigger steaming pots make tamales easier to cook. It is possible to make numerous tamales and steam them all at once, making it extremely convenient. Tamales take a lengthy time to make, so big pots are perfect.

Grilling about the barbecue is also a great method to taste authentic Mexican foods. Lengthy ago foods were made this way and referred to as Barbacoa. It consisted of steaming meat that was suspended over boiling water in a deep pit. Prior to steaming the meat cactus and banana leaves were wrapped around it. These days, barbecuing allows the spices and sauces to burst with flavor. It tastes similar to the way the food once was grilled over open flames. Fajitas are great about the grill!

Centuries ago, the natives used what was referred to as metate y mano. It was a large tool that was made out of lava rock or stone. The surface was slightly concave. The tool was used to mash the ingredients. An additional tool they used to mash ingredients was molcajete. It was mortar and pestle. When cooking, you have to be capable to stir. Wooden spoons have been used for centuries and still are. These days different types are accessible so you might use, depending on what sort of dishes you are making. Some are made for stirring thicker foods, while others are thin for stirring foods for example onions and garlic.

Mexican food has a rich history behind it. The methods might have been modernized, but the food is still traditional. Based on how the meals are cooked, you will taste different flavors and textures. There are many Mexican dishes to cook and enjoy.

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