Vitamins To Keep Your Eyes Good

13th March, 2010 - Posted by health news - No Comments

How often, when you used to be a kid, did you hear somebody nag you about eating your carrots because they were good for your eyes, were good eye vitamins, and when you challenged this, the nagger jokingly asked you, ever seen a rabbit wearing glasses??Yes, the carrot is an eye vitamin and therefore needs to be a part of your much needed diets. It is classically the 1st one we think about as an eye vitamin, anyway, as carrots have vitamin A, an antioxidising agent that’s announced by the experts and pros to contribute in forestalling weakening vision, macular degeneration, cataracts, and even blindness. But carrots alone or vitamin An alone don’t the whole eye vitamin make. And just like with any vitamineye vitamin, skin vitamin, hair vitamin, etc.there are 2 critical facts. One, it is feasible to overdose on certain ( if not most ) vitamins. If we read how this or that supplement is the perfect eye vitamin, and we take too much, we may be able to break out in itching, dermatitis, and worse conditionsdue to vitamin noxiousness. Two, an individual eye vitamin A, for example, doesnot work alone. Other vitamins help the calorie consuming properties of a vitamin, or help in the assimilation process.

That is, vitamins work in conjunction. If you take vitamin C, considered a good eye vitamin for most likely reducing certain perils of degeneration and glaucoma, you’ll do well to have the proper amount of bioflavonoids, for bioflavonoids are purported to help the body absorb vitamin C. This latter point or principle sounds right if you think about the peerlessly balanced diet : specific foods are heedless together, doing nothing less than galvanizing the omega-6 trans-acids to suppress the nutrient elements or what have you ; yet other foods, when eaten together, work to urge digestion, or burn fat, or what have you. Vitamins A, C, and E, as well as a balance of omega-3 trans-acids and others, are now in one eye vitaminso you donot have to weigh, measure, or work out the right mix, and so you donot need to, if you cannot stand to, eat those cooked carrots.

Raw ones are better for you, anyway.

Did you ever see a rabbit eating COOKED carrots?

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Posted on: March 13, 2010

Filed under: Healthy Recipes

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