Sensible Microwave Oven Precautions

12th March, 2010 - Posted by health news - No Comments

Maybe you’ve heard the rumour about microwave ovens being dangerous. These rumors are, actually, unfounded. As yet, no connection between microwaves and cancer or any other disorder has been established. Even the late 1980s study, which in fact started many of the safety fears, wasn’t conclusive. Although there are some safeguards that you need to observe in cooking with newer microwave ovens, the conclusion of researchers is that they’re basically harmless.

Cancer Not a Concern

Making use of a microwave oven has never caused anyone to be afflicted by cancer, or any other condition. Cancerous conditions are brought on by ionizing radiation and x-rays – the opposite of microwaves which produce non-ionizing radiation. On the other hand, even if radiation isn’t a risk, there are some safety considerations you should pay attention to. Just like all food preparation tools, microwaving is not 100 % risk-free.

Heating Liquids Requires Especial Care

For example, if you warm liquids in a microwave dish with a smooth surface, they can overheat. They’ll come to a temperature that’s actually higher than boiling point, without actually boiling. When you disturb the fluid by adding other foodstuffs or by moving the dish, they can start to boil violently. The ensuing sudden rush of steam and water can cause serious scalding. This is more likely to happen with distilled water, but overheating can also occur with other liquids, such as coffee or tea.

Be Sure Containers are Vented

There can also be danger in cooking various other foodstuffs besides liquids. Containers that aren’t adequately ventilated, or items with a shell or skin, like eggs and potatoes, could possibly burst in a microwave. That’s because steam accumulates inside these foods, with no way to escape. The food will explode under the pressure in the end. This results in a big mess and could also result in burns. Foodstuffs that have been warmed up for long stretches of time can also catch fire.

Never Under Any Circumstances Put Metal in a Microwave

Most people know not to put metal into a microwave. Sparks or arcing electricity can occur when an electric charge is generated by the metal in the object resonating. Microwaving a takeout box with a metal carrier, or a twist tie that has a wire inside, can lead to fires. Before using your microwave, be very careful to remove any metal, if you want to avoid the danger of fire.

Other Things to Be Aware Of

A microwave with nothing inside it should never be turned on. When microwaves are turned on without anything inside to soak up the radiation, they will form a standing wave inside. When it’s reflected between the tube and the cooking chamber, this energy could possibly burn out your microwave. You should also never microwave food that is dehydrated, for the same reason, or food contained in a metal wrapping. The wave will be reflected, rather than absorbed, by these materials.

Arcing can also be caused by incorrectly arranging foods. Grapes are an example of this. Your microwave should never have anything burning placed into it, as this will produce an electric spark. Handle all foods carefully – even if they don’t appear to be warm. All types of food can be hotter than they look, but liquids are especially dangerous in this respect. If you treat your microwave with care, you’ll have no problem producing delicious, safe food with it. Hence, the bottom line is that you may work with a microwave oven with the knowledge that it will present no risks if used correctly. Very much like any other cooking method, the microwave requires a few safety precautions.

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