Quick Answers to Common Questions About Acai Berries

10th March, 2010 - Posted by health news - No Comments

Acai berry health supplements and advertisements for them are almost everywhere you look in the health and fitness world. You see them talked about on TV, written about in books, and featured on so many websites you couldn’t count them if you wanted to. What you often find missing is some answers to some very basic questions about acai berries so my goal is to try to change that.

Can Acai Berries Help Me reduce belly fat
There are countless advertisements and websites out there claiming acai berries will cause you to lose 30 pounds in in 4 weeks. Unfortunately, these websites are usually less than straight forward and many times down right dishonest. Acai berries can help you be healthier and lose some weight, but they are not a miracle pill so be careful of anything that sounds too good to be true because it probably is.

Can You Buy Acai Berry at the Store
The simple answer is yes, you are physically able to buy acai berry health supplements in many stores. However, you don’t really want to. Most supplements that you get at Walmart or a grocery store are very low quality. They may be half the price of good supplements, but they aren’t any good and usually are a complete waste of money. You may be able to find good acia berry juices at a grocery store because they are getting more common, but these juices are usually more expensive when you look at the serving size compared to other supplements.

Where Do You Buy Acai Berry Juice
You can order acai berry juice from several reputable dealers. A company called Amazon Thunder is one of the best. They sell a concentrated juice that only requires you to take 1 ounce per serving so the bottle will last 32 days if you take 1 ounce a day. If you choose a juice at the local grocery store, the serving size is usually around 8 ounces so you only get 4 servings or so per bottle so you have to buy 8 bottles to match one bottle of Amazon thunder. If you assume that the quality is the same (in most cases it is not), it will usually cost you more to buy 8 bottles than one good one.

What are some Acai Berry Australia (or other country) Distributors
There are a lot of acai berry distributors out there. As I said in the previous paragraph, Amazon Thunder is one of the leading suppliers of supplements with acai berry. Another distributor is called Sambazon and they do sell products at major grocery stores. If you are looking specifically for Acai Berry Australia (or other country) suppliers, there is nothing to worry about. Most reputable companies ship all over the world.

I hope this answers a few of your questions.

The author is not a medical professional, has never played one on TV, and didn’t even stay at a Holiday Inn Express last night. This information is based solely on personal research and/or experiences. It is intended to be information sharing only and not meant to diagnose, treat, or prevent any disease. You should consult a medical professional for any diagnoses or treatments you need.

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