Easily Stop Cravings Eating Natural Fast Food

6th March, 2010 - Posted by health news - No Comments

I strongly feel that it isn’t too far off to propose that consuming a variety of green smoothies will give you just about every thing that the human body requires to stay healthy. Besides perhaps Vitamin B12 and Vitamin D, I feel, these nutritious powerhouses have everything (including protein). The major dilemma I faced when I started out on green smoothies were the unhealthy cravings. Find out how I alleviated them forever.

I’d like to begin by telling you that the contents of this article only my opinion which is based on information I have read about natural health in addition to the 10+ years eating and living the way I have daily. That and my blood work done twice each year that shows zero deficiencies, I feel that this information is very valuable and of course valid. Perhaps it works just for me, my genetics and body type, I can’t say for certain. But, just like cigarette smoking could probably affect each of us with varying degrees of health negatives, the green smoothie diet, I feel, could probably affect each of us with varying degrees of health positives. Try it for yourself, after talking about it with a naturopath or other doctor initially of course.

The human body was designed to be able to heal naturally right? Then why is it that so many people are sick? Maybe it’s an inaccurate statement, and the body is not equipped to heal itself? No! The predicament is that we a) don’t give it with the suitable amount of raw materials, usually by way of diet, it needs to reset itself and b) we constantly bombard it with things that hinder the operation of the limited number of resources that we do give it.

I’m a huge admirer of raw foods. To say that adding heat to foods beyond a specific temperature destroying much needed enzymes that are important for assimilation makes plenty of sense to me. Beyond that, it is implied that to get the most out of our foods that we should be chewing it it until it’s gone. We have troubles handling big morsels of food. Also, I feel that we can thrive with a a diet of primarily fruits and dark green vegetables, with the occasional healthy fats. For the healthy fats, avocados, soaked nuts and seeds is all I usually have.

The main foods I have every single day are comprised of plenty of raw fruits and greens in the form of green smoothies. Being mostly liquid, my body is able to assimilate the nutrients without a problem.

A huge hurdle for a lot of people when switching diets, and a huge one for me is the unhealthy cravings. Like someone that has addiction to drugs or alcohol must go through a detox to be able to heal, we pretty much must to do the same thing. The cells in our body are comprised of stuff from the food that we have ingested in the past. The body usually craves much of the same unhealthy foods that contribute to the makings of the individual cells in our bodies. With a drug detox, often times, dry sauna therapy is used to sweat out the drugs. This could help eliminate the physical drug cravings which could allow the individual a better chance of remaining sober. For us, improving our eating may possibly enhance the elimination of toxic foods as well which can be naturally removed in stool, through sweat and urine. But, we still might having cravings for those foods while some of the toxic elements in our cells are still there.

I have found that immediately after having the first drink of my green smoothie my own cravings for grease, meat, salt, etc started to drop off. After I was done drinking the smoothie, the unhealthy cravings were gone completely and I would be content. The issue then was that the unhealthy cravings would come again as I became hungry. So I started to make certain I was on top of it and would have another green smoothie ready before the cravings would reoccur, or shortly after they started. The unhealthy cravings at last subsided for good as I became healthier. After that I began to crave greens instead!

Now, I would like to ask, do you want to remain unhealthy and overweight or do you want to have a look at a healthier diet giving your body all the proper nutrition?

For more information about green smoothies, have a look at this free resource -> Green Smoothie Starter.

I chat more about health and the raw food lifestyle on my web site here: http://rawfoodhealthwatch.com and Ezine account located here.

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