Get Helpful Information About Food Storage Inside This Post.

28th January, 2010 - Posted by health news - No Comments

When it comes to food storage the most frequently asked question is what to store. Let us study the subject and come up with some useful ideas on it.
Wheat is something that could be stored as long as needed under proper conditions. So, wheat is the main part of your emergency food storage. Wheat could also become a source of vitamins if you sprout it even in winter. About four hundred pounds of wheat should be stored for each adult.

Salt is a vital nutrient even though it is not literally a food. Salt is required to stay healthy. It could also be used to preserve food products. So make sure you have about twenty pounds of salt for each person. And you need to know that salt also has as indefinite shelf life.

Honey should also become a part of your food storage. It contains so many important nutrients that could hardly be overestimated. Honey is known as a great source of energy. Aside from that it includes plenty vitamins, minerals and other important nutrients required to stay healthy. It is also a natural sweetener and it is really great to have something sweet during hard times. As well as wheat and salt, honey could be stored for an unlimited period of time. It is recommended to have 10 pounds of honey for each person.

Powdered milk is another great product to have in your emergency food storage. Even though it does not taste exactly the same way whole milk does, people could easily get used to drinking it. And powdered milk also has a very long shelf life which makes it a perfect choice for emergency storage. Studies have shown that low fat powdered milk could be stored for over fifteen years without any changes in its nutritional value. About sixty pounds of powdered milk is recommended to have per each person.

These basic four food products form the center part of your food storage. As soon as you get them, you could add other food products to your storage according to your budget. Beans, soy beans, rice, corn, dried meat, canned fruit and vegetables are the ones to increase your food storage. The more products you have the better variety you will be able to get. You should also store pepper, spices, baking soda, yeast, oil, and dried eggs. Some multi vitamins and vitamin C caplets are also important to have in your emergency storage.
Most food products could be stored in food grade plastic containers or buckets. Not everyone knows how to tell if a plastic bucket is food grade. Check if there is number 2 in a triangle on the bottom of the bucket. Finding this sign means the bucket is made of food grade plastic.

Do you know that food storage can save you from lots of problems during different emergency situations. Read more about food storage on this food storage site.

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Posted on: January 28, 2010

Filed under: Healthy Recipes

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