Purchasing Wine Online – An introduction

17th January, 2010 - Posted by health news - No Comments

Buying things online always seems to concern some people, especially those not so familiar with how the internet works and how safe it generally is now.  Getting out a credit card near a computer is seen dangerous enough to some in case somebody sees it.  Daily, millions of dollars are being passed around without a worry in the world because of the improvement in security over the years.

Online wine sales have always been, and will continue to be treated with “raised eyebrows” by some within the industry.  I personally don’t have a problem buying wine online, especially wine that I’ve tried previously because I know exactly what I’m getting.

One great way of being informed of things happening in the industry, as well as being presented with great bargains, is to sign up to mailing lists.  Sign up to one, sign up to many, there’s no limit.

Online wine sites are many and varied.  It can take a fair amount of time to wade through the many different sites to find exactly what you’re after.  The best way to go about this is to start by looking for your favourite wines, then your favourite wineries, then your favourite regions.  You can even research for a combination of wineries and varietal, or regions and varietal.  You’re bound to find what you’re looking for.

Online wine sites can include any of these types:
1. Wine direct from the winery from their own website.
2. Wine direct from the winery via an affiliate website that takes commission from the winery for the sale.
3. Companies that buy the wine from the winery, then on sell it via their website.
4. Auction houses which sell off stock no longer required from the winery or garnered through special deals.

Wine being purchased from a wine auction should be treated with some caution though.  The problem with buying older style wines from auction houses is knowing how the wine has been stored over time.

Depending on choice, the best sites to buy online wine from are those that stock the latest vintages.  Check the terms and conditions of sites to see if there’s a guarantee on quality.

Online wine sales shouldn’t be a worrisome experience.  Buying wine over the internet should be an enjoyable and no stress exercise met with a great anticipation of the wine arriving at your door.

This is just a short guide to help ease the worries of some people about buying things online, especially wine.  More and more quality wine sites are popping up all the time, so why not give it a try from the comforts of home?

Posted on: January 17, 2010

Filed under: Healthy Recipes

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