Everyone Always Thinks They Found The Perfect Hangover Cure

15th January, 2010 - Posted by health news - No Comments

People everywhere are always telling you how to cure a hangover. My wife suggests that I just stop drinking and therefore eliminate being hungover the next day. But I don’t see that happening any time soon. Sometimes my job involves getting together with clients and having a few drinks. I use to be able to party all night without feeling the after affects the next day. But not anymore. Now even two drinks will affect my mornings. I just don’t get it. Seems like it hits me harder as I get older. There’s a lot of partiers out there that are looking for the best way to remedy hangover suffering. Everyone seems to have their own ideas for a cure. There were a few of them that would totally absurd. I’ve been told to have a bloody mary when I wake up. There were also a few that think lots of coffee does the trick. Those suggestions were a big bust for me. I’ve listened to ideas of eating certain foods before partying and drinking vegetable oil to coat your stomach. The only sure cure I knew of was hugging the toilet all night and sleeping in the next morning. But that doesn’t work when you have a job to go to in the morning. I need a quick acting remedy.

I decided to check online and see if there was a cure that actually might work. I found a lot of weird ideas on a cure. I read about eating disgusting animal parts and using voodoo to help with your hangover. I tried a few of the horrible tasting tomato juice mixtures. That didn’t pay off to well either. I also saw a video and read information about a pill that has been proven as a cure for hangover. All you had to do was take a couple of these pills after your last drink and it was said to eliminate your morning hangovers. That didn’t sound too difficult. There was no fowl tasting food or drinks. It only required a couple of pills. I decided to order a bottle and try it out the next time I had to party with my clients. I really didn’t hold much store in them really working, but I figured it was worth a shot. So the following weekend I had to go to another party that my boss was throwing for a client. I thought that’s when I’ll try those anti hangover pills I ordered.

I was stunned that this product really did the trick. Just two little pills at bedtime and I had no problem getting up the next day. There was no headache or nausea. The room stayed still and I couldn’t tell that I had even had anything to drink the night before. I know it’s a little hard to believe. But it really kept my hangover away. I had actually stumbled across the best hangover cure I’ve ever tried. I couldn’t wait to get to work and clue the guys in. We’ve all been trying to find a cure. Thanks to our boss and all of his entertaining, we all needed to find a solution to the problem.

Everyone was surprised at how chipper I was that morning after the partying we did the night before. There were a few of them looking a little under the weather. They were curious as to why I felt so good. I told them about the product I tried that remedies hangover problems. There were a couple of guys that thought I was pulling their leg. But there were a few that were really interested. Two weeks went by and I got a call from one of the guys at work. He just had to tell me how grateful he was for the info on this hangover remedy.

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