A Alternative For Buying Tea At Your House Is To Grow An Herb Garden

31st December, 2009 - Posted by health news - No Comments

While coffee, fruit juice, and soda are typically pricier than other options, it can get expensive to buy boxes of teabags frequently. The loose-leaf variety can get even more pricey, and some types can be as expensive as $20 per ounce. Instead of purchasing it loose or by the box, create a garden for steeping. Many can not believe the variety of choices from fruits, flowers, and herbs. organic herbal tea can be made from an herb garden that does not use pesticides and chemical residue. organic oolong may be more complicated to make on your own, but berry plants can yield leaves that can be brewed to make a delicious concotion. This gardening season, grow a few of your favorite plants and use them to create a tasty brew.

Planting an herb garden does not take a lot of time or skill. The herbs can be purchased at the local nursery or gardening store. Herbs can be started from seeds if you are really ambitious, but this will take longer and may not be as successful. Keep in mind you will need to start seeds indoors a few weeks before it is time to more them outside. A good time to begin thinking about your plants is in the winter before planting season begins. Decide which plants you would like to include in the garden. If you will be growing a variety of different plants, you may want to separate them into separate plots of land. Sometimes certain plants excel in the presence of others, so research companion gardening and find out if any of your chosen plants will flourish when planted with their counterparts. Also understand if any can be damaged if they are in close proximity to one another.

Next, determine the location of your garden. You will want to make a list of the things your chosen plants need to survive. If some require bright sunshine, locate their garden in a well-lit area. Others do better with partial shade, and others need a lot of space. Typically, herbs are simple plants that do not need a lot of attention. Many of them grow quickly and you may soon find your garden taking up your whole yard. Just be sure to prune it regularly and you should not have a problem.

If you are planning to grow flowers and berry plants for brewing, be sure to check on safe methods of creating concoctions. If a berry is safe to eat is probably safe to steep. However, it is important to be familiar with your plant and how it affects your body. Flowers are even more risky, so before using, be sure to understand what steeping does to the flower compound. If you plan to utilize any of what you brew for fighting disease, be sure to consult your doctor beforehand. Natural remedies are often risk free, but if you are mixing it with medication or you have specific health problems, there could be side affects. It is better to use caution.

A great way to enjoy cool, brewed drinks all summer long, and healing, warm brews during the cold of winter is to grow the ingredients yourself.

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