Hypnotherapy:What is it and how does it work?

25th September, 2013 - Posted by health news - No Comments

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What is hypnotherapy?

Hypnosis isn’t a state of deep sleep as what many people thought. It is not actually about initiating half-conscious state, but when under hypnotism, an individual is in fact in an enhanced state of awareness, completely giving attention to the hypnotist’s voice.

In this condition of the mind, the conscious mind is concealed and the subconscious mind is disclosed. The hypnotherapist may propose insights and lifestyle ideas to the patient. The manner of encouraging healing or positive development is known as hypnotherapy, which is a kind of psychotherapy.

Hypnotherapy’s aim is to reprogram behavioural templates within the human mind, allowing suppressed emotions, phobias, negative thoughts, and irrational fears to be overcome.

As the patient’s body is freed from conscious control during the relaxed half-conscious state, breathing will be slower and deeper, the pulse and metabolic rates will decrease. The awareness of undesirable feelings like indigestion or nausea is alleviated, and the sensation of the human body for pain becomes less intense.

How does hypnotherapy work?

Hypnosis is known to work by altering a person’s state of consciousness in a manner that brain’s left side is sort of stopped, while the right side is made more lively. The patient’s conscious mind is suppressed, while the subconscious is become alert.

Since the subconscious mind is deeply seated, has more natural force than the conscious mind, this is the part that has to undergo changes in order to improve the patient’s physical state and behaviour.

For example, a person who likes to exterminate the fear of dogs may try everything he consciously can, but will most likely fail if his subconscious mind retains the terror. Improvement could only happen by reprogramming the subconscious mind, allowing deep-seated beliefs and instincts to be changed or eliminated.

What problems can be treated by hypnotherapy?

Hypnotherapy could be used to a number of emotional, psychological, and physical disorders. It’s used to relieve pains from surgery or a visit to the dentist. It has proved to shorten labour stage in pregnant women and reduce the need for painkillers. Hypnotherapy could lessen the pain experienced by disabled individuals and those with severe illness. Likewise, it’s proved to help people beat addictions, like smoking, illegal substances, and alcoholism. People undergoing bulimia also found relief from hypnotherapy.

It could also benefit kids with conditions like insomnia, panic attacks, obsessive compulsive behaviour, blushing, stuttering, chronic asthma, and bedwetting. Phobias of all sorts could also be overcome through hypnotherapy.

Visit the website of VCPS at www.VCPS.com.au to learn how hypnotherapy can help you improve or change behaviour, way of thinking, and even life as a whole.

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Posted on: September 25, 2013

Filed under: Health

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