Looking For Probiotics? Check Out The Label Before Buying.

17th September, 2013 - Posted by health news - No Comments

If you are at all connected to the outside world you have actually heard everything about probiotics, good and bad bacteria, digestive health, immune function and a lot more.

You want to head out and purchase your probiotics but, after wading through the details, do you know exactly what to try to find before you buy?

Probiotic Supplements

There are a number of elements to look at before you purchase your first probiotic supplement. Keeping these in mind will help you in making the right choice.

– Look for a product that provides even more than one strain of bacteria. Our body is home to more than 800 various strains but there are only a few that science has had the ability to separate and use effectively. You will want a multi-strain probiotic that contains strains from both the Lactobacillus and Bifidobacteria families.

Lactobacillus bacteria are necessary for urogenital health, keeping infections at bay, as well as our digestive tract health. And according to studies done at several medical centres and universities including the Beth Israel Deanconess Medical Centre, UCLA and McGill University in Montreal, Quebec, particular strains in this family have actually revealed promising anti-tumour and anti-cancer benefits in mice, too.

Look for L. casei and L. acidophilus listed on the label.

Bifidobacteria are necessary for a number of reasons. They are very tough workers in our intestine, helping to modulate our immune function, both in the digestive tract and throughout our body. They also safeguard our gut against pathogens that could try to colonize there and help in the production of particular vitamins.

Look for B. breve and B. longum detailed on the label.

– Be sure the overall bacteria count is detailed at over 5 billion per serving. Often times more than one capsule is recommended so your total would be over 10 billion CFU (colony forming units) Science is still undecided whether to take your caps with food or without.

– Look for a product that provides a 100 % money back guarantee. As each and every person is distinct, it is hard to find one product that is an ideal fit for everyone. You will want to purchase your product from a business that understands this. You will want to take your probiotic supplements for a minimum of 30 days. After a month you ought to see favorable change, in some aspect of your overall health.

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