How To Become A Nurse

3rd September, 2013 - Posted by health news - No Comments

Nursing today is challenged more than ever before to provide personal, high quality, cost-effective nursing care. This requires that individual nurses accept ever-increasing responsibility for continued personal and professional growth. At the same time, nursing administrators and educators must seek new and innovative ways to develop nursing talent within their institutions. Preceptorship provides one method of assisting current nursing professionals to develop future nursing leaders. A professional nurse is a well compensated professional with a major role in the health care industry.

Becoming a BSN isn’t easy but it’s not out of reach either; even for the busiest among us. Online schools, night schools, and accelerated programs allow you to pursue your BSN licensure at your own phase no matter what your needs or schedule is. With the health care professions growing in demand world-wide, while many industries face constant comebacks from uncertainty, there has never been a better time to opt for BSN.

BSN Nurse Official Requirements

The official requirements for a BSN nurse vary by state but most require nurses to have a Bachelor’s degree in nursing from an accredited institution. The second requirement for your registered nurse licensure is your successful completion of the NCLEX Examination or a National Licensing Examination. While such requirements towards becoming an RN may seem daunting at first, it’s a usual strategy for individuals to take on such challenge into easier steps.

Pursuing entry level nurse certification and an Associate’s degree before opting for a BSN allows students to start earning a health care salary immediately and gain some valuable experience in the field as you work towards your RN. Indeed, it’s often true that your work as a CAN, LPN, or LVN will often fulfill some of the practical and critical requirements of the BSN program. So you can complete some of your school requirements while pulling down a paycheck.

Good Nursing Schools

There are so many good nursing schools out there that it is difficult to make a recommendation of one particular school to another. Your path to becoming a professional nurse would become uniquely yours unlike anyone else. With that said, there are a number of considerations that you can think about when looking for a nursing school.

First, you need to look at your scheduling needs. A busy single parent with a full-time job may benefit from time and schedule freedom provided by an online BSN nursing program. If you’re a high school graduate, you may need the structure and support of a traditional day program. As a nursing professional, nurses have a very important job to do in society.

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