Different Kinds of Treatment for PTSD

7th November, 2012 - Posted by health news - No Comments

Psychologists in Melbourne

When a person goes through a traumatic experience, feelings of alienation, sadness, and anxiety are all but normal. But if these negative emotions never disappear and remain inside, stuck with painful memories, a prolonged sense of danger, and perceived helplessness, one may be suffering from post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD). PTSD is often connected to soldiers in the battlefield-fighting in war being the cause among men-this disorder can be a result of a life threatening and overwhelming event. Post traumatic stress disorder is not only confined to the one who has first hand experience in the event, it is also seen among individuals who simply witnessed it, people who, in one way or another, have to cope with the event which would include law enforcers and emergency workers. .

Treatment of PTSD

Treatment of PTSD alleviates symptoms by assisting the patient deal with traumatic situation and any bits and pieces of the experience rather than avoid it. The patient will be requested to recount and process the feelings and sensations experienced during the event. All the bottled up emotions in the patient is sought to be released, sense of control restored, as well as the powerful grip of the memory of the traumatic event reduced. Mentioned below are the four treatment types.

1. Cognitive behavioral therapy
A patient is gradually and slowly reconnected to the emotions, thoughts, and situations attributed to the trauma. This type of treatment also involves pointing out the upsetting thoughts-the distorted and illogical ones to be exact-and building a healthy and balanced picture in its place.

2. Family therapy
PTSD affects the patient as much as the people around him, and family therapy is especially helpful. It gives family members deeper understanding of the what the patient is experiencing. Family members can also improve how they communicate with another and approach problems as well.

3. Medication
There are times when medication is prescribed for patients with PTSD to counter lesser symptoms of distress or despondency. Zoloft and Prozac are antidepressants usually prescribed to treat these symptoms. Although these antidepressants help lessen sadness and anxiety brought about by PTSD, they do not eliminate the cause of it.

4. Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing
EMDR combines cognitive-behavioral therapy elements with eye gestures and other rhythmic, right-left stimulation like sounds or hand taps. Eye movements and similar two-sided forms of stimulation are perceived to work because it helps “unfreeze” the information processing center of the brain which is stopped during instances if extreme stress.

If you think you may be suffering from the above given condition, immediately find a psychologist to get proper post-traumatic stress disorder treatment Melbourne.

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