Learning The Factors That Affect A Pharmacy Technician Salary

17th October, 2012 - Posted by health news - No Comments

Considering the demand for professionals, there is no surprise why there are a lot of people that choose to become pharmacy technicians. The pay after all is, good and it’s in fact a very rewarding job for many people. Of course there are still those that choose to receive a higher Pharmacy Technician Salary than the typical ten to eighteen dollars an hour. If you’re one of these people, taking time to learn the various factors that affect how much a pharmacy technician gets paid can help you get the bigger paycheck. Factor number one is if you’re a certified or licensed pharmacy technician. Undergoing continuing education, taking and passing the PTCB Exam can help increase your marketability and with it, your salary. This certification is a great way to ensure you will have more job offers after completion of training.

The length of time you have worked as pharmacy technician is another factor that affects the salary you will receive. The longer you have worked as a pharmacy technician, the higher your salary would be. Experience and the right Pharmacy Technician Training and certification are the biggest factors that can affect how much you will get paid. Where you work is another factor that affects how much you make as a pharmacy tech. Those that work in large hospitals in big cities like New York or L.A. can receive higher salaries than those working in a pharmacy in some small town since the cost of living is higher in these cities. It is important though, to be sure that you are going to receive the best education and training quality and this is possible by making sure you enroll in the right schools.

And there are a number of things you can do to be sure you will end up with the right training providers. First, you need to do background research on the Pharmacy Technician Schools you are interested in. You have to be sure you will enroll in schools that have been around a long time to be sure that you are going to end up working with a training provider that has a lot of experience with training and educating healthcare professionals like you. It is also important to check if the training provider is affiliated with or recommended by reputable medical and educational institutions or if they are also recommended by other students like you. This is important because recommendations help you be certain that you are going to enroll in a legit organization, one that has a lot of experience working with professional healthcare providers.

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