Dry Throat Cough – Identifying its Causes

6th March, 2012 - Posted by health news - No Comments

Having dry throat cough may be really irritating, let alone awkward. This is a common health problem experienced by people because of an irritation inside the throat or lungs. While it is commonly discovered in children, cough can also remain among the elderly groups as well.

Many of the signs linked to dry throat cough range from the following: itchiness in the throat, fever, colds, runny nose frequent and long coughing spells, and headaches Coughing is not a severe health ailment, yet there are various factors which will result in its development.

Factors that give rise to development of coughing

In terms of dry throat cough factors, here are some of the common triggers:

1. Cold
Cold is a viral ailment of the upper respiratory system. The common cold generally is associated with runny nose. This could further bring about sore as well as dry throat.

2. Allergic reactions
People might be sensitive to whatever that they see within their surroundings. It might be due to the air they inhale, meals they take in, as well as the perfume which they use. Once you are troubled by the allergens, it can further trigger other symptoms that include dry cough.

3. Flu
During the winter season, flu is extremely easy to acquire and transfer. This specific health condition is due to certain virus strains. The infection affects the throat, nose and lungs that bring about dry cough.

4. Using cigarettes
Particular addictions like smoking can also get you to be at risk of dry cough. If you are not a cigarette smoker, contact with second-hand smoke may cause coughing.

Solutions to prevent dry cough
Understanding and knowing the various dry throat causes could assist you to refrain from acquiring this disorder. In case you are hypersensitive to airborne debris as well as cigarette smoke, try your best to prevent contact with it. Same goes for food.

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