Easy Methods to Manage Excessive Sweating and Body Odor

24th February, 2012 - Posted by health news - No Comments

Nobody likes to be sweaty. Excessive sweat can be not only uncomfortable but it can also be very embarrassing in social settings. There are many people who struggle to keep their excessive sweat under control despite their best efforts. They are constantly subjected to the criticism of others regarding their body odor. It is not easy to deal with these things. In this article we will look at some of the things a person can do to prevent excessive sweating and body odor from having a big impact on their daily lives.

Discover a decent antiperspirant or deodorant. If unreasonable sweating is your predicament, you’ll need to pick an antiperspirant. This is on account of this item assisting in the reduction the amount of sweating you do.

It restrains the sweat glands that have been covered up by its application. If you have to deal more with disturbing body odor, you’ll need to select a good deodorant. This product aids in masking the foulness of body odor with an element that has a nicer fragrance. You’ll have to analyze a few different methods, but eventually you should find something that does the job. Meet with a medical professional if none of the over the counter items are helping you out.

You might not even realize it, but some people believe in applying baking soda to particular sweaty spots on the their body. In reality, we have not yet tested this out, though the reasoning for it is sound. Baking soda is often used to absorb moisture and cut down on odors.

This is the reason many people keep an open box of it in their refrigerator. It makes sense that it might work on people for the same thing. You shouldn’t use too much of the stuff, but a sprinkling here and there obviously won’t hurt.

Drugs are also produced for this condition. There are some medications that are designed specifically to stop a body from sweating. Anticholinergics is one medication designed for this purpose. This medication can stop your sweat glands from producing sweat. While, this by itself is a positive thing, there can be side effects when you take this drug. A dry mouth is one of the more commonly reported side effects. On the other hand, considering the problem of excessive sweating and body odor, a dry mouth may be a small price to pay.

A lot of people become discombobulated when they think of their sweating and body odor. People who have to battle excessive sweating and body odor usually have to face extreme levels of discomfort.

For some their embarrassment can be quite debilitating. Some good news is there is no need to allow these conditions to burden your lifestyle. A lot of progress has been made to control both of these afflictions. Whether all you need is a more efficient deodorant or if you possibly need some kind of medication, there is something that will keep you dry and smelling decent. Speak to your physician if natural cures don’t seem to be working for you.

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Posted on: February 24, 2012

Filed under: Health

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