Why You Should Consider A Ketogenic Diet Regime

14th February, 2012 - Posted by health news - No Comments

Ketogenic diets, also known as Ketosis diets, are diets that includes very tiny amounts of carbohydrates. As you may know, carbs are the body’s main source of energy.

When your body processes carbohydrate foods their energy is released and is required for your body to work properly. You need to be careful not to lower your carb consumption too severely, because with little or no source of energy for your body it is possible to die. Nonetheless, the body is sensible. If your body feels vulnerable by an inadequate intake of carbohydrates, it immediately will begin looking for energy by burning stored fat. Are you seeing exactly where this can be heading? It just would seem logical that if fat loss is your goal, then a ketogenic diet plan, which forces your body to burn fat for energy, should be a good thing. Well yes, yes it will, providing you are generally adhering to the basic calories in and calories out rule.

There are people who fear that a ketogenic diet plan may be unhealthy. They are in fact not harmful, and plenty of people get confused with both the word ketogenic and ketoacidosis. The truth is, only diabetics need worry about ketoacidosis, a serious situation where their blood glucose levels can vary wildly. Its imperative that you not get the two words mixed up. Ketosis is totally natural and it has some great health benefits, not merely for losing weight fast but also for preventing illnesses.

Ketosis as well as its results on weight reduction have been under review for years. Individuals of these studies have pointed out that their appetites had been suppressed when consuming a ketogenic diet plan. Clearly, this has something to do with the point that diets based on ketogenics tend to be naturally quite high in protein. Protein has been shown to make people feel full which explains why ketogenic diets control your appetite. Additionally, tests reveal that those on a diet low in fats still have to work to manage their ingestion of calories, yet, people on a diet low in carbohydrates can achieve the same fat loss without having to actively stress about their calorie intake.

Low carb dieting can be risky in one way, however, and that’s the prospect of eating too large an amount of saturated fats. Despite this, there’s also the good points: far better trygliceride numbers, far better HDL numbers and far better insulin resistance.

For kids struggling with epilepsy, research indicates that there are benefits to a ketogenic diet plan. As a result of reduced carbohydrates, they tend to undergo a smaller amount of seizures. A recent study showed 50 % fewer seizures for 38 percent of the youngsters on low carb diets, along with a 90 percent reduction for 7 percent of them.

Yes, the majority of individuals have never heard of these “ketogenic” type diets. State Atkins diet and they’ll most likely know very well what you mean. However they are quite simply the same type of diet. You ought to defiantly read up more on ketogenic diets if you’re looking for a guaranteed way to lose some weight quickly.

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