How To Save Yourself Thousands In Dental Health Bills As Well As Painful Experiences

4th February, 2012 - Posted by health news - No Comments

I was keyed into the value of this dental health book one day when an associate of mine rang on a Tuesday afternoon from his busy practice. He is a dentist by trade so he knows a lot about teeth and how many people frequently lose them.

He seemed to be excited about the book and told me he had read it while he was on vacation! I thought, "Whoa,Now that's devotion to one's work".

He told me this was a very well written and informative book and how it goes over everything in a way that will make sense the average person. He said the writer did not overstep any bounds and that everything he said was reasonable. Nothing was overdone.

You'll discover this book has a lot of really basic and important, but very sensible information on how people can not only save their teeth for a lifetime of good use, but how they can avoid a lot of expensive treatments along the way. The information is basic, yet relatively unknown by the majority of people. Despite the fact it makes basic sense, it is not just about flossing and brushing.

For example, one concept is about pH balance and how the pH in your mouth can help or hinder bacteria. One problem is that many people have no idea that the things they put into their mouth are doing such harm to their teeth. But, there are some simple things you can do to balance the pH right out after a meal – not only quick snacks!

The bottom line is that this book may help people save a lot on dental health bills over the course of their lives. Your personal discovery of what is in this book could make a large difference in saving money and pain at the dentist's office as well as living a better, healthier life through prevention

You can get your copy at Amazon and/or Toothy Grins. Don't lose out on a lifetime of big savings.

Softback: 280 pages
Found on Amazon
Language: English
10 Digit ISBN: 0981485502
13 Digit ISBN:978-0981485508
Product Dimensions: 0.6 x 5.5 x 8.3 inches
Kindle Book Also Available On Amazon

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