Vitamin D3 5000 IU – Why It’s Essential and How Much to Take

30th December, 2011 - Posted by health news - No Comments

Vitamin D3: How Much Should I Take?

Researchers say that there is a widespread Vitamin D3 deficiency around the world. In fact, some experts are calling it an epidemic. It’s been estimated that about 90% of the population has seriously low levels of Vitamin D3. If you suspect that you are included in this group, this post will tell you how much you should take and why it is essential to supplement with Vitamin D3.

Also known as the “Sunshine Vitamin”, Vitamin D3 is made by your body when UVB-rays make contact with the skin. Contrary to popular belief, the body creates D-3 when the sun’s rays hit unprotected skin (UVB rays cannot penetrate clothing, sunblock or glass). Many people simply do not get enough sun exposure (especially those who live in northern latitudes to create proper levels of this vitamin needed for health.

Actually, Vitamin D-3 is not a vitamin at all, but a pre-hormone that is found in every single cell of your body and is vital to many aspects of health. Although it was once thought to be essential to the prevention of rickets, cutting edge research has discovered that this powerful hormone is important to immunity, bone and dental health, breast and prostate health, balance and mental well-being.

According to scientists, this hormone is involved in selectively turning on and off over 1000 genes. To show its importance, a deficiency has recently been associated with seventeen different types of cancer. Proper blood levels of Vitamin D3 has also been linked to optimum athletic performance. (The Russians have known this for decades.)

If you’re taking a daily vitamin, you’re probably only getting 400 iu per day. Cutting edge research reveals that this is simply not enough. In fact some scientists predict that the Recommended Daily Allowance will soon be raised to 5000 iu per day.

Most people do not get enough vitamin D3 from the sun or in food. The best way to ensure you have enough is to take a daily gelcap, especially during fall, winter and early spring.

Are you deficient in vitamin D3?

If you say no because your daily vitamin contains 400 i.u., then you may be putting your health at risk. Researchers believe that 90% of the world is seriously deficient in Vitamin D3. This is particularly true of developed countries.

Since Vitamin D3 deficiency has been associated with a wide variety of health issues, testing and maintaining healthy blood levels (which you’ll learn how to do in the special report that comes with purchase) may have a positive impact on your health.

Studies have linked Vitamin D3 5000 iu with:*

– Strong Bones & Teeth
– Breast & Prostate Health
– Muscle Strength, Joint Mobility & Balance
– Nervous System, Mood Balancer & Improved Immunity

How can Vitamin D3 be related to all these healthy benefits?

The answer is clear: Vitamin D3 is not a vitamin, but a hormone that is part of a complex system that is found in every cell and helps regulate 1000 genes. (Ultimate Vitamin D3 comes from lanolin, which is completely natural and highly absorbable.)

When you have sufficient levels of Vitamin D3 in your blood stream to maintain healthy calcium levels, the excess can be used in other systems that may increase vigor & wellness.

Current studies point to 5000 I.U. per day as the level that may create optimal levels of vitamin D3, which cutting edge researchers say is 50 ng/ml.

Also termed bottled sunshine because the body manufactures the active form of D-3 from sun exposure, most people are deficient because they work in offices, live in northern latitudes (anywhere north of Dallas,Texas) or stay out of the sun because they’re worried about melanoma.

While researchers say that D-3 is essential for breast, heart, prostate, bone, dental, colon and immune health, recent studies reveal other critical health benefits revealed in the bonus report.

Add Ultimate Vitamin D3 from Earth Mama Nutritionals to your shopping cart today and get 7 Little Known Facts About Vitamin D3 That Most Doctors Don’t Know.

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