Why Is There So Much Conflicting Nutrition Advice Around?

23rd December, 2011 - Posted by health news - No Comments

Is there anything we can call a perfect meal? Well if there is then trying to get experts to agree on it would be near impossible. Unfortunately nutrition and weight loss are areas where everyone has their own opinions and it seems to be impossible to get concrete evidence to back up any claims. Like the whole low fat and low carb battle that still seems to be raging, one side is sure that low fat meals are the only way to lose weight, yet the other side claims cutting carbohydrates is the only answer, and they both seem to have evidence to back up their argument, so who can you trust?

Well I think the problem is that we are all unique so we all react differently to carbohydrates and fat, that is what might be causing all the confusion. So for some people the low carb diet will be perfect, however the low fat diet will be useless, and vice versa. We need a set of diets we can try so we can find the best one and not be told that there is only one diet everybody must follow.

To discover which of the two different kinds your body reacts the best to then you need to do a little detective work, pick one diet of each kind that you like the look of and spend a few months on each and keep track of the results. Monitor how the diets make you feel as well as if you lose weight or not, and hopefully at the end of the experiment you will know which one suits your body best.

If the thought of 4 months of dieting just as a test doesn’t appeal to you, then one solution could be to cut down both your fat and your carb intake by a bit each, that way you are following at least some of the advice from both sides. You are going to find it a lot harder to reduce your carbohydrate intake than your fat intake though. Fat is not that abundant in most things we eat, but carbohydrates are all around us, in the bread of our sandwich, the muffin we have with our coffee, in the sugar we put in our coffee etc. What you should probably do is focus on avoiding sugar as much as you can. Something like a candy bar contains a lot of sugar, and that is basically pure carbohydrates and calories and not good for you at all, so if you cut the candy bar out of your diet you cut out a lot of carbohydrates, and some fat as well.

Also when you have your main meals then try to cut down on things like pasta, rice and fries or mashed potatoes etc which are all pure carbohydrates. Another good idea as well as reducing the amount of those items you add to your plate is to try using whole wheat varieties where you can too. Add to that as many vegetables as you want a good sized portion of lean meat and you are as close to the perfect meal as we are ever going to get.

If you don’t have a good weight loss plan to follow yet then consider investing in the Yayfood diet.

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Posted on: December 23, 2011

Filed under: Health

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