A Better Understanding of Common Health Questions For Women

22nd December, 2011 - Posted by health news - No Comments

There are many troubling health questions for women. A serious illness or a dreaded disease can indeed slow a person down. But with today’s integrative medicine – combining ancient wisdom with modern technology – people can now live longer and healthier. Here are the top five medical health conditions affecting women today: breast cancer, heart disease, osteoporosis, depression, and auto-immune diseases.

These medical conditions are explained in summary here and how we can prevent them from affecting our daily lives.

What are the risk factors of breast cancer and how can they be prevented?

Breast cancer is a common cancer that targets women and is one of the leading causes of death among women – second only to lung cancer. The American Cancer Society lists down several factors for breast cancer and this includes age, genes, family history, early menstruation, obesity, alcohol abuse, drug abuse, breast biopsy, and chest radiation at an early age. Breast cancer may be prevented by a healthy lifestyle, weight control, engaging in physical activities, and by avoiding smoking, alcohol and drugs.

What causes heart disease and how can one prevent it?

Heart disease is the leading killer for both sexes and accounts for 30% of deaths in women. There are symptoms that you need to watch out for as these are typical of women and may include chest pains, shortness of breath, jaw lock, vomiting and nausea, and shoulder aches. The common causes of heart disease may include aging, high blood pressure, obesity, smoking, diabetes, alcohol abuse, and physical inactivity. By changing your lifestyle to a healthy and fit one, you will be able to fight this disease.

What are the risk factors for osteoporosis and how can I prevent getting this disease?

Osteoporosis is a common ailment that nearly 50 million Americans suffer with – 70% of this number belonging to women. The good news is that osteoporosis is preventable. Risk factors of osteoporosis include age, family and medical history, anorexia, lack of vitamin D and calcium, sex hormones, medications and substance abuse. Depending on the reason, you can do quite a lot to prevent osteoporosis and osteo-arthritis.

How can I cope with depression?

Depression is a very common psychological condition and can affect both sexes, especially women. Hormonal changes are considered a common factor and psychologists believe that by reconnecting to society it is easier to cope. If you have a history of depression you are more prone to be depressed again and it is important to understand where the feeling is coming from. Other risk factors include marital issues, drug abuse, physical or sexual abuse, or a medical condition that could trigger a depressive state. To reduce the risk of falling into depression, psychiatrists agree that it’s important to have a nurturing relationship inside and outside the home. A great place to start in finding support, is to search for women’s groups on the internet.

What are autoimmune disorders?

Auto-immune disorders can destroy tissues and attack the immune system. And there are 70 medical conditions caused or may be a direct effect of autoimmune disorders including diabetes, lupus, and multiple sclerosis which are common to women.

A person’s health and fitness can be fully achieved even with a busy schedule. Start with proper nutrition by preparing healthy dishes at home. Refrain from smoking and too much drinking. Get enough sleep so you’ll feel refreshed in the morning when you wake up. Sufficient rest, a nutritious diet, exercise, and keeping away from substance abuse can go a long way in alleviating any medical condition.

This article was written by Oliver Ocampo a Content Writer for Adoley Odunton’s Wellness Revolution. In their next FREE tele-seminar, ‘Wellness Revolution 2012; Embracing Wholeness’, Adoley Odunton brings together 21 of the World’s Leading Healers to Heal and Inspire You with Healing Breakthroughs for Your Body, Mind, and Spirit.

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– How to Clear and Calm Your Mind to Absorb All the New Healing Knowledge
– How to Heal Your Body by Embracing Wholeness, a Whole, New and Healthy You

To register, please visit: http://mywellnessrevolution.com/hello/


Posted on: December 22, 2011

Filed under: Health

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