The Atkins Diet Plan Has Been One of Controversy for Decades Now.

5th December, 2011 - Posted by health news - No Comments

Many people are not aware that the Atkins diet regime was first released in the 1970s. I am mindful of this because my mother put me on the diet plan when I was a child. She often had me on a diet because my weight yo-yoed up and down throughout my formative years.

One of the good reasons for my weight fluctuations could be because of the many eating plans I was exposed to over the years. My first diet was the Atkins Diet. This plan was introduced to me when I was 10 years old. However, the plan had been out on the marketplace for a few many years before I had a go at it.Fundamentally, the eating plan revolves around protein and water. You need a lot of water on this plan as is the case in any diet plan out there. Water is vital on the Atkins Diet mainly because your body loses so much fat so quickly that your kidneys have difficulty flushing everything out of your system if you are dehydrated.

The protein is essential in the plan because your body will actually burn calories digesting a large quantity of protein. You lose weight through eating certain foods. Your body uses its stored fat to process the protein. Having said that, your body will burn carbohydrates first. When you completely (or almost completely) eliminate carbohydrates from your eating habits, your body has no other resource for energy besides its storage of extra fat to burn. The Atkins Diet is a high-protein, low-carbohydrate eating plan that works wonders at first. You can lose a lot of weight in relatively little time on this plan.

I can’t recall exactly how much I lost when I was on the Atkins Diet years and years ago but I do remember that it was an awful lot. I recall getting a lot of compliments on my success but I don’t remember suffering on the plan at all. I did consume a lot of cheese, eggs and meat on the plan. Eventually, I longed for some cereal and bread.

Herein lays the most significant problem with the Atkins Diet. The plan is not realistic. People will go back to consuming carbohydrates eventually.Regrettably, it takes only a small amount of carbohydrates to throw your efforts out the window. These carbohydrates include fruit on the Atkins Diet. I found myself gaining weight quicker than I lost it once I quit the plan. Learn more about the Atkins plan here: Atkins

The Atkins diet plan is a fantastic way to lose a lot of excess weight in a little bit of time but it is not a life-long eating plan that most people can adhere to. If you are looking to lose 20 to 30 pounds in a short time, the Atkins Diet is a good choice. If you are making a life change, opt for another plan.

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Posted on: December 5, 2011

Filed under: Health

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