Practice Of Reiki For A Balanced Physical And Psychological State Of Human Body

28th November, 2011 - Posted by health news - No Comments

Reiki is a spiritual practice founded in 1922 by a Japanese Buddhist Monk called Mikao Usui. It is premised on the idea of Ki or Qi which is the body’s vital energy force, and its alignment and free flowing in our bodies to keep us healthful. The practice uses the hands to transfer the Ki of the Reiki specialist to the one receiving the Reiki. It is likened to the laying on of hands.

Reiki practitioners think if the life force or Ki is poor then an individual can feel stress, anxiety and sickness both mentally and physically. If the Ki flows highly and freely in our bodies then it promotes optimum health, satisfaction and wellness.

Reiki is regarded as an alternative medicine and a spiritual treatment form. It utilizes vibrations that are conveyed from the practitioner to the person receiving the therapy via the practitioner’s hands. This is to build homeostasis balance and the general sense of wellness in the person receiving the Reiki.

Unresolved or chronic stress is thought to be the main reason for many illnesses both physical and emotional. When one undergoes a Reiki therapy, the Reiki practitioner uses Ki to realign the person receiving the Reiki treatment’s bio field termed as an aura and their physical body into a harmonious state. It is claimed that through the client’s relaxed state that the body and mind realign themselves through the help of the direction of Ki through the practitioner’s hands. Some experience immediate improvements others need a couple of sessions before they start to feel the advantages of Reiki healing.

To be a Reiki Master one has to know various stages of what is called Attunement. The Reiki Practitioner has to know what symbols to use, when to call the Universal Life force, how to distinguish between an emotional or spiritual illness and how to heal a person who is not physically present. Reiki is one of the most popular energy healing practices in the world today.

With Reiki, the concept is to find the limitation that is preventing the person from being a “whole” being and to find and recognize the pattern and then release it into the healing universe so the person can be re aligned into a state of health. This may or may not happen on the conscious phase but the Reiki Master releases the ill so to speak, so the person can be healthy physically, psychologically and spiritually.

The Essence of Reiki is a home training course developed from Adele and Garry Malone’s Reiki Workshops and over two decades of combined Reiki experience. It has been designed to offer the Reiki Student an easy to follow, easy to understand, structured step by step approach to the study, practice and Command of Reiki. We suggest you read an essence of reiki review to become acquainted with the course.

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