Can You Deal With Female Hair Loss

3rd November, 2011 - Posted by health news - No Comments

There are as many different ways to treat women’s Hair-loss as there are women who are going through it. Scads of women believe nothing can be done. This is definitely false! The techniques for medicating and facing women’s Hair-loss range from medication to feeling accepted. They range from shaving your head to buying a wig. The kind of individual you are is of not matter, because you’ll come across a method for tending to your thinning hair that will work for you and the people involved in your life. In this article we discuss some of the more trendy techniques for curing and facing Hair-loss if you are a woman.

You might not even realize it, but there are some situations in which birth control pills can actually be used to treat Hair-loss for women. They can be especially effective in treating female pattern baldness. This is due to the pills being able to block the production of ovarian androgens. These are enzymes that lead the hair follicles into not producing hair. Be that as it may, it is imperative that you use low androgen indexed contraceptive pills. If you end up with pills that are too potent you could destroy the rest of your health. Additionally, it is critical that you follow the same rules, whether you are using birth control to prevent pregnancy or Hair-loss. Stop smoking, expressly if you are above the age of 35 and make sure you discipline yourself with a healthy lifestyle. Men may think they have the market cornered on hats but do they really, their choices are really limited. I see men everyday who just toss on the first hat they see, usually a ball cap. Women, on the other hand, can wear just about any kind of hat they like and call it “fashion.” Have you ever worn a derby? You have nothing to lose! Ever considered a top hat? You Can Do IT!!!!! French fries in a french beret? That’s right you go girl! Why not have fun with it? You were looking for another reason to accessorize, right?

Quite often, Propecia is handed to men who plan to fight against Hair-loss. Rest assured, it is one of two medications approved by the FDA for men (Rogaine is the other one) who want to regrow their hair. The FDA has not blessed it for use in women. That does not mean that you are forbidden to try it of course. Tests have revealed some good outcomes from this drug. The truth is, the side effects of the drug that men find upsetting (specifically the lowered libido) don’t happen for women. The way women cope with Hair-loss varies quite a bit. Some women are able to lose their hair without much fuss, and they simply accept it. Meanwhile, others don’t want to lose a single strand. You have to deal with Hair-loss in your own way. Don’t start taking drugs you aren’t familiar with until you’ve spoken to a doctor. Your doctor can help you come up with a workable plan to diagnose your particular situation and find a solution.

How to prevent hair loss

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Posted on: November 3, 2011

Filed under: Health

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