Natural Weight Loss Foods – Eating Certain Foods Will Burn More Calories Than You Adopt In!

31st October, 2011 - Posted by health news - No Comments

Are you thinking about losing weight and want to lose it fast?

Do not be deceived by goods that promise to get you to shed that weight but need to use synthetic or chemicals to help you lose that weight. Remember that the best way to lose weight is naturally, so that it does not affect your health. Here are some quick natural weight loss tips you may want to keep in mind.

Did you know that by actually eating particular foods, you will be able to gain a fast natural weight loss? Below you’ll find some of these foods that you can incorporate into your diet, to help you lose that weight naturally and quickly.

Eat more raw vegetables and fruit. These foods are very fiber rich, which makes you feel fuller for a longer period of time. Fiber will be suppressing one’s appetite so that you do not get these big cravings during the day. Eating raw vegetables and fruit is also known to have the negative calorie effect, meaning if you eat a 20-calorie carrot, the body can burn up to 25 calories, which in turn means that just by eating a carrot, you’re able to burn 5 calories more than what you just ate. Studies show that the body burns up up to 15% more calories as soon as your diet consists of vegetables and fruit. These are also rich in minerals and vitamins such as Vitamin C which help in flushing out fat from the body.

Eat more fiber. Oatmeal is one of the best ways to incorporate fiber into your diet. When your body is rich in fiber, your body will not store much fat. Also, fiber suppresses your appetite so that you can not overeat. If you’re working out, it is advisable to eat oatmeal about 1 to 2 hours before.

Eat more spicy foods. Studies show that by eating spicy foods, your own body’s metabolism can increase to as much as 20% within two hours of eating those spicy foods. You possibly can make your meals more spicy by adding garlic, cayenne pepper, hot pepper, cinnamon or even mustard. Garlic specifically is very a strong diuretic which helps your body get rid of water weight. Spicy foods also help in suppressing the body’s appetite.

Eat more proteins. Foods high in protein include chicken, fish, and pure whey protein. If you are eating poultry or fish, it is best that they be served baked. Protein helps your body to build more muscles which lift up your body’s metabolism levels so that you can burn even more fat. Also, the body burns the most calories in the event it digests protein when compared with other types of food apart from fruits and vegetables.

Eat more milk products. Dairy products include milk, cheese, and yogurt. These foods are rich in calcium that is great for the fat breakdown inside the body’s fat cells. Studies show that people who reduced fat dairy products for about 4 times a day were able to lose almost 70% more fat. Calcium helps suppress Calcitriol, that is a hormone that makes the fat cells in the body bigger. Also, milk products help in suppressing your body’s appetite.

Just thought you may well be interested in reading this guide: weight loss foods and healthy recipes for weight loss.

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