You Can Find Healthy Snack Choices When You Are Dieting

4th October, 2011 - Posted by health news - No Comments

The problem with most diets is that you have to eat a reduced amount of food and this results in you being hungry a lot. And also, since you are hungry you’ll definitely grab a snack from time to time to hold you over until your next meal. So if you see that you do have to have a snack to hold you over, you will need to eat a healthy snack which can help with your weight loss. Some men and women will grab a bag of chips or a candy bar at the store to hold them over that is not a good selection, instead try a few of the suggestions below.

Nut Products
Nuts are fantastic for any diet intended for losing weight. Nuts routinely have plenty of protein and as just about anybody can tell you, protein can help curb your appetite a little. There exists a downside though, as they contain a lot of calories so don’t consume too many! An ounce of nuts will probably do it, absolutely no more than that. The one thing you need to realize is that one ounce is going to be equivalent to about 25 almonds. Any time you go to the store to get your nuts, make sure that you only get the non-salted nuts. You will see that you can even put nuts to the meals you are eating to offer them a little more flavor.

Some Fruits
Having a piece of fruit doesn’t only help your sweet tooth but you will see that it may be filling. Being able to choose a specific fruit is important, so you should keep several different fruits around. Obviously carrying a watermelon around with you can be hard so shop wisely. You will come across many different kinds of fruits that you don’t have to keep cold and that you can carry around with you quite easily. In addition to all of this, they will contain essential vitamins in your diet to keep you healthy.

Cereal Or Snack Bars
I am certain you have seen these in the cereal isle when you are shopping but you have to make positive that they are low in calories and sugar. The actual bars that I prefer are the Special K bars, mainly because they only have about 90 calories each and they taste really good. You will see that a number of the Special K bars have fruits and nuts inside them which is also a benefit.

Instant Oatmeal
Oatmeal is actually a good food for a snack or even a meal as it is nutritious and for the most part even the flavored ones including peaches and cream only have about 130 calories per package. While it is not as easy as eating an apple, all you actually need is some warm water to get it ready to eat. Obviously rather than buying the flavored oatmeal you could buy the plain oatmeal and just add your own fruit to it.

Drinking Water
Alright, so water isn’t actually food but it really is a great one to mention. A lot of the time when you are feeling hungry you’re actually just thirsty, so drinking can suppress your hunger. Water is essential to life and you need to drink plenty of it each day. Water provides no calories in it, therefore feel free to drink just as much as you would like!

Of course, you still have to be sensible when snacking as indulging too much means you don’t lose weight. If you are on a diet and you are trying to lose weight the above snacks will assist you when you’re feeling hungry.

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Posted on: October 4, 2011

Filed under: Health

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