The Way In Which The Sun Can Destroy Your Eyes plus Cause Poor Eyesight

5th September, 2011 - Posted by health news - No Comments

The Way In Which The Sun Can Destroy Your Eyes and Cause Poor Vision

It is highly likely that you haven’t thought about the harmful impact sunlight has on the eyes and vision. Don’t worry, you aren’t the only one. Even though just about anyone uses some kind of sun protection cream or lotion, a recent survey exposed that only 32% of the Americans are aware that they need proper protection from the dangerous sun rays.

What is the reason? How sunlight can destroy the eyes and is it true that regular exposure to sunlight may cause bad eyesight?

A rising number of research confirms that sun rays of some specters have unfavourable impact on the eyes. According to the conclusions of such studies, regular exposure to sunlight elevates the risk of cataract and macular degeneration, a couple of the leading factors behind harsh vision loss and irrevocable blindness in USA. It appears that sunlight accelerates aging and thus people who are often exposed to sun’s UV rays are also more likely to begin to suffer from age-related eyesight changes sooner.

Apart from the risk of these long-term vision problems, exposure to sunlight can cause several other unpleasant eye issues such as eye inflammations and eye irritations.

The simplest way to guard your eyes from the dangerous UV sunlight is to have sunglasses any time you go out. However, not any type of glasses offers adequate protection. Read more about How to Protect Your Eyes from Sun Damage

Do not forget to take a look at the rest of how to improve your eyesight naturally as well. The blog offers lots of useful information which will help you take better care of your eye health and preserve and protect your vision. People with poor eyesight can take advantage of lots of helpful tips and advice that will help them ease the symptoms of their eyesight condition and even improve vision naturally.

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Posted on: September 5, 2011

Filed under: Health

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