Is Tanning While Pregnant Dangerous?

29th August, 2011 - Posted by health news - No Comments

Being pregnant can take its toll on a woman’s self-esteem. Many women turn to tanning in order to look good. You should be aware that there are certain dangers of tanning while pregnant though. If you’re interested in learning about some of them, then keep reading.

While tanning, you will be exposed to plenty of heat. You certainly don’t want to put yourself at risk of having a heat stroke. Being exposed to too much heat is especially dangerous during the last trimester of your pregnancy.

Doctors also think that tanning while pregnant can increase your child’s risk of developing a range of conditions. They include neural tube defects, spinal malformation, and spinal bifida. It’s important to do whatever you can to minimize the risk of your child developing any of these conditions.

You may also develop issues with your skin if you choose to tan while pregnant. Pregnant women often develop splotches on their skin. The problem is only made worse whenever you’re exposed to UV light like when tanning.

If you tan frequently, then your skin will probably age prematurely. You’ll notice the problems as you get older, since your skin will sag more than usual. The risk of developing skin cancer is also increased.

Tanning beds are very common for people looking to get tanned. Women who are pregnant will likely experience a few problems if they lie down on their back for extended periods of time. Some of the most common problems include breathing problems, poor circulation, and backaches.

For these reasons, it’s best that you avoid lying down for an extended period of time. You may want to avoid sessions that last longer than 15 minutes. You should also avoid going down to the tanning salon too often.

You should know that there are a few areas that discourage pregnant women from tanning. They’ve even passed laws banning women from doing so. If you live in one of these areas, you won’t be able to use the equipment at tanning salons.

You should know that there is no concrete scientific proof that tanning while pregnant can be harmful to you or your baby. However, there have been studies that suggest this to be the case. You don’t want to risk the health of your child just to get a slightly darker skin tone do you? If you do tan while you’re pregnant, it’s best that you avoid doing so too frequently.Doc No.lkhjsdklsd-ssj

Kristie Brown writes on a variety of topics from health to technology. Check out her websites on womens hair loss and vitamins for hair growth

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