Drinking Prune Juice Can Lead To A Healthier Lifestyle

17th July, 2011 - Posted by health news - No Comments

Prune juice is one of the commercially obtainable fruit juices today that provide a lof of wonderful health benefits to drinkers. The juice is extracted from dried out plums, and the deep purple liquid is known to be rich in various vitamins and minerals which are all great for the health.

First off, prune juice are naturally rich in antioxidants, known as phenols. These compounds act to defend the body from damaging oxygen-based free radicals. Free radicals bring about tissue and organ damage and premature signs of aging.

Prunes also include an incredibly high amount of beta-carotene. This kind of vitamin is also an antioxidant specifically blocks free radical-induced harm in the cellular walls. This is very important in the prevention of various cardiovascular illnesses and cancers. Research have shown that 2 ounces of the prune extract contains 17% of the US daily recommended amounts for Vitamin A.

Prune juice also has high quantities of potassium. This is a very important element that can improve control blood pressure and prevent a stroke. A quarter cup of prune juice is said to include 316 milligrams of potassium – which includes 9% of the US recommended daily allowance for the mineral.

Prune juice also has very high quantities of soluble fiber. Soluble dietary fiber is extremely beneficial to the digestive system and the liver. It helps flush out toxins from the body and control glucose and cholesterol levels in the bloodstream.

The soluble dietary fiber stimulates the intestine to produce a certain type of laxative which can cleanse the colon and produce improved, regular bowel movements. Apart from that, soluble dietary fiber can also extract bile from the liver, stimulating the organ to produce more of the substance, burning out cholesterol in the process.

This is the very reason why drinking prune juice is now regarded as an effective weight loss regimen. Nevertheless, dieters must constantly remember that the fruit extract is not a quick and easy answer to weight loss. To be able to see actual results, dieters need to maintain healthy eating habits and regular exercise regimens.

Furthermore, the dietary fiber identified in prune juice can also assist suppress the appetite and prevent untimely food cravings. Soluble dietary fiber takes a lot more time to digest and helps make you feel full for a longer period of time.

Prune juice is also a really effective treatment for constipation in babies and constipation in pregnancy. The extract consists of high quantities of sorbitol, a natural and potent laxative that can help soften the stool for better and more regular bowel movement.

Some research report that prune juice may also help stop estrogen-dependent breast cancer. Estrogen accumulated in the intestines can trigger breast cancer. Prune juice on the other hand, can assist the body reabsorb these substances back into the blood stream where they can bring about no harm.

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Posted on: July 17, 2011

Filed under: Health

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