Cleft Palate As A Birth Defect Of Using Topamax

24th June, 2011 - Posted by health news - No Comments

Giving any kind of medicine to a pregnant woman should be exercise with caution. Mostly, a child will be affected by whatever a pregnant woman will take in. Around March of 2011, the FDA has advised about the use of a certain drug because it was found out to cause cleft palate among babies.

Now, what is this cleft palate? Cleft palate can develop in the womb resulting to a deformity in a baby’s face. A certain space between certain facial parts characterizes this condition. This situation is quite problematic. This can have a big effect on the child’s psychological condition despite of it being a less threat on the child’s health. Cleft palate can actually affect the child’s way of feeding and speech and not just the child’s psychological component. It can even cause ear disease. With this, one might be inclined to ask on how to treat babies with cleft in order to avoid these situations. There is a big problem when it comes to treating a child with this kind of condition. As babies cannot stand the kind of operation one has to go through in order to fuse these facial parts. A requirement of being 10 years old and older is needed. And this is enough for a child to go through social and psychological complications due to the cleft palate condition.

As we all know, there are different ways as to how a child can be affected with cleft palate. However, one recently known factor is the taking in of Topamax by pregnant women. Seizures are the main problem topamax is trying to prevent. In other words, it is an anticonvulsant drug. It is also interesting to note that aside from this birth defect, this drug has been known to have a lot of dangerous side effects.

This product has been approved by the Food and Drug Administration. Actually, this product is really very helpful. A lot of people have already benefited from the product’s use so it is quite a problem when we want to take it out from the market. Now, the FDA is requiring Topamax to put a birth defect warning as a label on the drug. This can help in saving babies from suffering clef palate.

One’s right should be respected always. So, if you are one of those people affected of this drug, you need to consult legal matters. A legal compensation should be provided on the suffering this side effect has caused you. In order to find out how, contact a Topamax lawyer immediately. Consultation is actually free.

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Posted on: June 24, 2011

Filed under: Health

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