Four Tricks And Strategies To Monitoring Weight

16th June, 2011 - Posted by health news - No Comments

Most medical and health care industry professionals encourage tracking weight whenever you participate in a weight loss program. But keeping track of weight isn’t simply a matter of stepping on the scales and writing down the statistics. In order to ensure that the targets that you’ve set for yourself are sensible and that you are carrying out a good job of achieving them, it’s important that you properly monitor your weight consistently. Read more for a few helpful suggestions and strategies on how to monitor your weight.

1. Weigh Yourself At Routine Cycles

To properly track your weight, tip the scales once each week or every 14 days. Your weight changes at different times of the day so it’s better to stick with a specific hour to weigh yourself. It’s also advisable to always weigh yourself under the same conditions and on exactly the same weighing machine. To achieve the most reliable reading, weigh yourself with no garments on.

2. Make A Record

Don’t trust your memory to keep track of the times that you record your weight. Instead, have a record or journal where you can write down figures when you step on the scale. When documenting data, integrate the date and time of day in addition to recording your weight.

3. Obtain Your Median Weight

Lots of people find that it’s best and most accurate to weigh themselves several times during the day on each weighing day. Obtain a reading when you initially get out of bed, in the middle of the day and before you go to sleep. You may be surprised that you weigh diversely within a single day. Average out the weights by adding the 3 values and dividing them by 3. Document this on your journal as the average weight.

4. Compute for Body Mass Index

All of us have different body builds, muscular mass and bone densities. To properly keep track of your weight, you first need to ascertain your ideal weight level according to your body mass index. You can determine your specific BMI simply by assessing your body weight against your height. It is essential to take note though that those with more substantial bone structures and more muscle tissues like bodybuilders should have higher BMIs compared to the average individual. The optimal BMI for the ordinary person is supposedly less than 25. Anything over or under this scope is deemed unhealthy.

It’s a good option to work with My BMI Chart to keep your weight under control. Get going by examining your body mass index through this bmi calculator now.

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Posted on: June 16, 2011

Filed under: Health

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