Ways To Eliminate Stretch Marks on Hips

1st June, 2011 - Posted by health news - No Comments

It is difficult, however, not impossible, to eliminate stretch marks on the hips. Stretch marks, or medically known as striae are regions of the skin that have been stretched as a result of quick weight loss or rapid weight gain. The epidermis is essentially similar to a type of elastin and when stretch beyond the point of elasticity, it loses its form. Thus, a sort of scar tissue appearance takes over that section that has been developed under the top skin layer.

Pregnancy and growth spurts during adolescence are major causes of stretch marks simply because the body transforms so quickly at these times. There are natural home remedies to reduce the appearance of, or to eliminate of, stretch marks. The most simple of these is to massage the particular affected area with Vitamin E oil, or simply just using grape seed oil or olive oil may also help reduce their appearance.

Another approach to eliminate of striae on hips is stretch mark cream. Most of these lotions and creams can help if the stretch marks in question are not very deep, but for the most part, they help to promote collagen production and in addition enhance the elastin of the skin to aid in diminishing the appearance of stretch marks.

One treatment which has been proven to work is the prescription cream Tretinoin. This is often prescribed by a dermatologist. Tretinoin will take three to six months to show results, but it does work. The cream really need to be applied once daily to exhibit these results, and one has got to stick with it. However mothers-to-be need to consult with a medical doctor prior to using Tretinoin.

Cosmetic laser therapy sessions, has also recently been proven to show good results. Unfortunately, these types of treatments are typically very expensive. They can run from around $400 to in excess of $1500 per treatment session. Again, depending upon the degree of the stretch marks, it may take as many as half a dozen or maybe more sessions to remove the unattractive scars.

In addition, applying self-tanners, bronzers or cosmetics concealer can cover up and conceal stretch marks.

To stop stretch marks from reappearing or to keep them from showing up in the first place, one should keep the skin moisturized. Two times a day applications are best. Choose creams similar to Bella B Tummy Honey Butter with added vitamins and antioxidants that will actually keep the skin healthy and nourished. This will allow it to stretch along with change, but minus the scar tissue.

Regardless what one decides, there are therapies out there that can help to eliminate of stretch marks on the hips and legs. Experimenting with at home remedies is a good start, however laser treatments may be necessary for stretch marks that are more serious.

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