Erectile Dysfunction In Young Men – Effective Means To End This Condition

16th May, 2011 - Posted by health news - No Comments

Erectile dysfunction usually occurs in men that have reached their 40’s or over. Nevertheless, erectile dysfunction can also hit young men. Aging men commonly has a difficulty in attaining an erection as they’ve experienced many contributing factors to erectile dysfunction, such as the result of the food they’ve consumed through the years, or conditions they’ve had in history. Erectile Dysfunction In Young Men, however, is believed by many experts due to physiological factors.

Some may define erectile dysfunction, or ED, as the man’s failure of attaining an erection sufficient for penetration in the time of sexual activity. There are certain levels of seriousness for erectile dysfunction in young men. Some will not be able to attain an erection at all. Some people might get an erection, but will not be sufficient to penetrate. There can also be cases where a man could attain an erection but only for a certain period.

Erectile dysfunction in young men is an elaborate disorder that might be brought on by various possible factors. The anatomy of men included during sexual excitement include the hormones, emotions, brain, and imbalance in one or more of these systems. Erectile dysfunction is not always brought on by psychological factors. Some may be due to medication side effects or medical conditions before.

Young men may encounter erectile dysfunction as a result of conditions such as atherosclerosis, heart diseases, hypertension, weight problems, Parkinson’s disease, multiple sclerosis, diabetes mellitus, and even metabolic syndrome. Aside from these conditions, erectile dysfunction might happen in young men as a result of tobacco or alcohol use, or use of illegal drugs.

Erectile Dysfunction In Young Men might result from cancer of the prostate, damage in the spinal cord or pelvic area, or during recovery from a surgical procedure. Additional causes can include minimal testosterone production or peyronie’s disease.

Young men might encounter erectile dysfunction from physiological factors such as anxiety, that is due to nervousness for those having sexual intercourse for the first time. Anxiousness may also be felt in the fear of impregnating his lover, or in the use of a condom. A lot of young men have experienced losing an erection after putting on a condom.

Erectile dysfunction is a big factor that could affect one’s relationship, so despite the embarrassment from the condition, this must be treated correctly. Eliminating alcohol and tobacco consumption must be practiced to reduce risking erectile function. Also keeping a healthy lifestyle is advised to avoid the event of erectile dysfunction in young men. Source:roaring tiger

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