Some Health Benefits of Omega 3 Fatty Acids

26th April, 2011 - Posted by health news - No Comments

You may have heard about omega 3 fatty acids and wondered what they do exactly. This is a true wonder drug and most of the great things said about it are no hype. More than one health food company has used this to promote a health supplement or two. Scientific data backs most of the claims that manufacturers of drugs containing omega 3 put out there. Research works have proven time and again that omega 3 fatty acids have health benefits.

Increase the Production of HDL (High Density Lipoprotein)

The omega 3 fatty acids are also called poly-unsaturated fatty acids. The term “fatty” may throw you off if this is your first time reading about this compound. This type of fatty acid is good for you. Early studies indicated that omega 3 in fish oil can help lower the incidence of heart disease.

Omega 3 fatty acid can help prevent blood clotting, which may cause several diseases inside the body. Omega 3 fatty acids may help alleviate hypertension by improving the amount of high density lipoprotein inside the body. Increasing the good types of cholesterol (high density lipoprotein) will also benefit the body in so many ways. Also, people with healthy levels of high density lipoprotein can enjoy better psychological health for a longer time.

Which Food Groups Contain Omega 3 Fatty Acids?

So many research works have been devoted to finding out which food groups give the most amount of omega 3 fatty acids. So far, fish oil is the only proven natural source of this compound. Many research works are now underway to find out which vegetable oils contain copious quantities of this compound. The general consensus is that fish oil is still the best food for you if you want to add omega 3 fatty acids to your daily diet.

Properly cooked morsels of fatty fish are likely to contain more amounts of omega 3 than other sources. While almost everyone knows that salmon is a good source, herring is also known to contain high amounts of omega 3 fatty acids. If these fishes or fish products are not available in your region, don’t worry. Some commercial food products have been fortified with omega 3, including cereals and bread.

So, I invite you to check out this website for more information on fish oil

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Posted on: April 26, 2011

Filed under: Health

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