The Correct Way To Descend Down Stairs

23rd April, 2011 - Posted by health news - No Comments

Most people would say they are pretty adept at walking down stairs. You should never let complacency set in when you come to walking down stairs. When it comes to stairs, there are many dangers. Even the most experienced of stair walkers can fall victim to their perils.

Here is a guide to help you negotiate stairs as safely as possible. Pay close attention to these tips.

No one wants to fall down the stairs and hurt themselves. Stairs are nothing to fear if you know how to approach them.

1. Make use of the handrail

The handrail of stairs isn’t there simply for decoration. The handrail should be used on every journey so that you can comfortably steady yourself and remain balanced. Make use of it when you go down the stairs.

Grip the handrail as soon as you can on the stairs and do not let go until you reach the bottom.

If you are accompanying a child who cannot reach the handrail, be sure to hold their hand. This is a sure-fire way of preventing them from falling.

2. Never wear just socks

Avoid wandering down flights of stairs in just your socks. You are asking for trouble if you do this. Wear socks downstairs and you increase the probability of slipping. Socks make stairs even more treacherous.

It is best to wear shoes whenever you go down stairs. When you do have to negotiate stairs in socks, do it as carefully as possible.

3. Never Run

Finally, it is imperative that you never run down stairs. Run down stairs and sooner or later you will have an accident. People who run down stairs normally skip down more than one at a time. This is dangerous. Take stairs at a steady pace and one at a time. Do not let this slip your mind, even when you are in a rush.

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Posted on: April 23, 2011

Filed under: Health

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