Arteries Blockage – Threats Of Acquiring A Clogged Arteries

19th April, 2011 - Posted by health news - No Comments

Atherosclerosis occurs when the arteries become tight and results into the deterioration of blood circulation. Normally, our arteries could be flexible enough to withstand a sudden blood circulation, for instance, whenever we become stimulated. Nevertheless, when the arteries are shrunken, it becomes harder for blood to flow conveniently, which in turn leads to the advancement of cardiovascular diseases.

As we age, the fats in the food we consume build up within the arterial walls, accumulating to create a mass or lump as they build up and become harder as time passes. These remains extend up to the center of the artery, which in turn becomes a blockage to the blood circulation.

Before one experiences the effects of experiencing the constricting of the arteries or atherosclerosis, the plaque or the solidified remains within the arterial walls build up in an exceedingly steady way. When the inner wall of an artery becomes damaged, fatty elements tend to infiltrate the area. Though destruction is minimal, it is enough for these fats to stay within the inner walls.

When the affected area becomes damaged little by little, the center layer of the artery gets larger. Plaque then accumulates, which may contain cholesterol, fats, blood products, and ligament deposits. This swells up to the artery’s channel, limiting the quantity of blood streaming through.

With the channel of the artery being almost clogged, the effects of atherosclerosis may then be endured. This affects different essential organs, since the delivery of blood and oxygen tend to become less and less while the plaque develops. Atherosclerosis can result in several ailments like gangrene, erectile dysfunction, angina, or even stroke or cardiac arrest.

The constricting of the arteries could occur in one or several areas. A frequent result which could be deadly is the growth of a thrombosis or a clot. This is normally developed externally and is rather harmless for ordinary persons. Nevertheless, if one experiences the constricting of the arteries, this could be deadly. Blood clots may form inside as an effect of an injury in the arterial wall’s inner lining as a result of fatty build-up in the affected area. When the clot or thrombosis travels throughout the bloodstream and travels through the affected area, it may lead to more obstruction, which leads to stroke when the plaque build-up is around an artery having blood to the brain, or cardiac arrest when the affected artery is carrying blood from your heart. arteries blockage

The constricting of the arteries might happen based on the food we eat and with our lifestyle. Though this may be treated with numerous recognized cures, prevention is still a much better treatment. Source:heart problem symptoms

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