Alkaline Drinks Provide More Benefits Than Typical Health Drinks

17th April, 2011 - Posted by health news - No Comments

With such a vast array of health drinks on the market, it can be difficult to determine the differences between alkaline drinks and other unwise choices. While an insignificant number of the health drinks you find are useful in some ways, alkaline drinks offer a variety of benefits that their counterparts do not.

Alkaline drinks are particluar health drinks that employ natural ingredients registering a pH balance higher than 7.0, after consumption. Ingredients in these alkaline drinks may incorporate real fruits and food grade herbs. These ingredients must be prepared properly in order to maintain the alkaline based minerals of the plants.

Since there are so many health drinks available today, it is wise to discern just what effect you expect with your purchase. For example, some health drinks contain high doses of protein to help fitness fanatics build lean muscle. Unfortunately, a majority of the protein drinks available today are extremely acidic and cause challenges for the body to maintain pH balance.

Why Alkaline Drinks are the Smart Choice

The value of maintaining a healthy pH balance is gaining acceptance as research points to the advantages. In general, the body’s pH balance must remain around 7.4, or slightly alkaline. When that pH balance moves by more than .2, death is almost certain. The body will do whatever is required to maintain that pH balance, even if that means extracting calcium from your bones to alkalize the acid ash left by any acid forming substances consumed. This is why health drinks with naturally alkaline ingredients are cooperative in assisting the body to maintain that delicate pH balance.

Most people today consume an excess number of acid forming foods and not enough alkaline foods. By utilizing alkaline drinks, we are more well equipped to help the body maintain its natural balance. The result is enhanced performance. With the addition of alkaline drinks, the body does not need to work as hard in order to manage a proper pH balance. Plus, many of the bacteria and other organisms that would harm the body are unable to survive in this alkaline environment.

Alkaline drinks must surely be made with whole food ingredients. Fruits, such as lemons and peaches and alkaline food grade herbs, like jasmine or cinnamon are ingredients that will be in these types of health drinks. Keep in mind that candy colored sport drinks and vitamin waters are made primarily with acid forming ingredients. In most cases, alkaline health drinks also offer a more natural energy increase without a sugar crash or a caffeine buzz. This is because most of the time, alkaline food ingredients also provide nutritional elements such as antioxidants, live enzymes, and chlorophyll for enhanced oxygen flow.

When you take the time to investigate how your health drinks are processed and what they are really made with you can make a big difference in how effective they are for your health. By looking for naturally alkaline drinks, you are able to support your body in a way that most mass produced health drinks can’t possibly equal.

Author Cliff Everett Smith is co-owner of the Internet health food store, For more than a decade, he has helped people around the globe achieve natural weight loss and other fitness milestones by incorporating alkaline drinks, concentrated whole foods and natural health drinks into their diet.

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