Signs of Yeast Infections — What to Keep An Eye Out For

19th June, 2009 - Posted by health news - No Comments

There is no way of knowing that you are suffering from an infection if you have no idea what the symptoms of the infection are. If you want to protect yourself and your health, it is imperative that you know the different symptoms of yeast infections, as well as know what to do when the symptoms do start to appear.

Taking care of your health is obviously incredibly important, and because yeast infections are common among both men and women, this makes it that much more important to be knowledgeable and sensitive to the subject.In fact candida die off symptoms (when you are getting better) also mimic the original symptoms of the desease.

Typical Yeast Infection signs and symptoms

Different types of yeast infections exhibit different types of symptoms. One of the most common varieties is the female genital yeast infection and its most commonly reported symptoms include a white lumpy vaginal discharge. It usually emits no odor and its consistency has frequently been compared to that of cottage cheese..

Men do experience genital yeast infections as well but the symptoms are not that easily observed. In fact, some cases produce no visible Yeast Infection Symptoms at all, preventing the individual from getting appropriate treatment. It is only when the infection has spread that the person notices the symptoms.

According to health surveys, more than three fourths of all women in the world will experience vaginal yeast infection at least once in their lives. Most of these cases will disappear on their own. There are also some cases that are mistaken for urinary tract infection because of the similarity of some symptoms, namely, pain while urinating and discomfort in the vaginal area.

In addition to the discharge and the vaginal discomfort, women who are suffering from vaginal yeast infection may also feel some pain while having sex. Incidentally, sexual transmission is one of the more common ways of spreading genital yeast infection. If you are already experiencing the symptoms of yeast infections, even without being diagnosed yet, it would be advisable to use a condom or completely refrain from having sex in order to avoid spreading the infection to your partner.

These are just the most basic yeast infections symptoms, and so just because you don’t end up experiencing just the signs and symptoms listed here, that does not mean that you do not have a yeast infection. Keep yourself informed and knowledgeable on your health, see your doctor frequently, and if at any time you experience any of the symptoms mentioned here or any similar to these, you want to get yourself in to see a doctor. You can also try cure yourself with natural cures such as candida garlic.

Posted on: June 19, 2009

Filed under: Health

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