Making The Decision: Choosing Between Liposuction and SmartLipo

28th May, 2009 - Posted by health news - No Comments

Until recently, liposuction had been regarded as the best way to remove unwanted fat, in large amounts, in one go. However, the latest fat removal procedure, Smart Lipo, is luring an increasing number of people away from liposuction. Gaining knowledge about the two procedures and the circumstances in which they should be used is helpful, before deciding to go for either of them.

During liposuction, a tube is inserted in the affected area and moved in a stroking motion to break down the adipose tissue. The dissolved fat is then sucked out via small cuts made in the area under treatment. As reported at the Thermage website, the cuts made in this treatment are larger than those created in Smart Lipo, and hence this method is preferred for those who need to remove fat from bigger body areas. The surgical procedure is carried out under the effect of a general anesthetic and requires the patient to spend at least a night at the clinic.

Smart Lipo differs from liposuction as it uses laser technology instead of mechanical means to break down the adipose tissue. The Dr Mulekar, vitiligo treatment clinic shows that non scalpel techniques are increasing being used in place of surgery. Human error can easily creep in during a liposuction procedure, which can lead to some damage to the area under treatment. Such a situation cannot arise with Smart Lipo. Smart Lipo is ideal for smaller areas of fat removal, such as the area under the chin, as the incisions made are very small and heal easily. After the conclusion of the Smart Lipo treatment, in which local anaesthesia is used, the patient can go home in about thirty minutes to an hour.

To ensure that you are fit to undergo either of the two procedures, you should consult a doctor. People suffering from heart problems, liver related diseases, skin disorders, and blood problems, should not undergo these treatments.

The procedure, whichever you opt for, should not become an excuse for complacency on your part in maintaining a healthier lifestyle. Even a small amount of smugness on your part may soon restore you to your original shape, hence it is important to take on a healthier diet and an exercise routine.

Posted on: May 28, 2009

Filed under: Health

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