Omega 3 Buyers Guide

13th January, 2011 - Posted by health news - No Comments

I think fish oil is needed for your health. And I think Pharmaceutical Grade is required because it’s ultra pure. It is refined to meet much stricter standards than the cheap food grade type, so no toxins for you!

It also includes a much elevated concentration of Omega 3’s – almost 3 times as much, so you will actually get the health results you are searching for.

Normal fish oil does not contain enough of the beneficial Omega 3 fatty acids, so they don’t help a great deal. The majority of fish oil on the market includes only 180 mg of the valuable EPA and 120 mg DHA.

You may want to search for a product that includes at least 400 mg EPA and 300 mg DHA to get the health benefits you are searching for.

Normal fish oil includes higher than acceptable amounts of heavy metals, PCB’s and other contaminates. Instead of the permitted 100ppb of mercury, pharmaceutical grade contains less then 1ppb.

In this buyers guide video I’m going to show you exactly how to choose a fish oil that is actually going to benefit you.

Check Out This Best Fish Oil Video

I’m so passionate about this that we came out with Young Life Research Pharmaceutical Grade Fish Oil. It’s accessible on Amazon where you can also check out all the amazing reviews from our happy customers!

You’ll notice the difference right away. Go try a bottle at Amazon right now and you'll be amazed. I guarantee it!

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Posted on: January 13, 2011

Filed under: Health

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