Is A Probiotic Right For You? 3 Things To Know Before You Buy

18th June, 2010 - Posted by health news - No Comments

Probiotics in foods and supplements are the newest "magic pill" these days. Advertised on TV, in magazines and online, exactly what is all the commotion about? Do you truly need to get on that train?

Here are 3 current discoveries you need to know about prior to making up your mind.

1. When you take antibiotics prescribed by your doctor, it gets rid of not just bad bacteria, but the friendly flora that occupies your digestive system. It simply can't tell the difference. This imbalance in your intestine might also trigger something you just weren't anticipating.

Diarrhea! Researchers are showing that antibiotic associated diarrhea, or AAD, can be corrected by taking a multi-strain probiotic supplement. A few of the strains, such as L. Acidophilus and L. Casei can assist in alleviating the symptoms, while L. rhamnosus and L. boulardii reveal evidence of reducing effects of toxins released by the virus that trigger the diarrhea.

Another thing to keep in mind about antibiotics, is that they are not only prescribed to treat our body's ailments but given to animals we consume. A regimen of antibiotics is basic practice for treating animals, so most of us are receiving them each day, whether we want them or not.

2. Did you know that 80% of your immune system's health resides in your intestine? Every moment of every day, your immune system fights to keep you healthy. It works to protect your from viruses, pathogens, bad bacteria and numerous other bugs that can develop illness and health issues in our bodies. This is one reason it is critical to guarantee your intestinal bacteria is healthy and well balanced. We require billions of friendly bacteria growing and colonizing in our digestive system to support a strong immune functionality.

3. Connecting your intestine and your brain. Yes, like two young lovers texting and tweeting, the interaction between the intestine and brain is continuous, and essential to your overall wellbeing. An imbalance in your friendly bacteria can send messages to the brain that may trigger issues with your hormones, increased inflammation, stress and anxiety, even depression.

Bringing balance to your whole body is so important to your overall wellbeing. Making probiotics an integral part of your every day routine is one of the most savvy health decisions you can make.

Happy Gut, HappyLife.

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